ASSIGNMENT 6Textbook Assignment:“Ship Availabilities, Repair Activities, and Ship Trials,” chapter 9,all, and “Occupational Health,” chapter 10, all.6-1.When a ship is undergoing shipyardrepairs and is still able toperform its mission, it is in whattype of availability’?1.Restricted2.Technical3.Regular overhaul4.Regular IMAFigure 6AIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 6-2 THROUGH 6-8,SELECT FROM FIGURE 6A THE TYPE OF REPAIROR AVAILABILITY DESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION.6-2.Restores a ship or article toserviceable condition without achange in design, materials,number, location, and relationshipof the parts.1. B2. C3. D4. E6-3.Used for general repairs andauthorized alterations that are notemergencies.1. A2. B3. C4. D6-4.Parts require repair or replacementto improve reliability, and theunit will be strengthened, providedthere are no other changes indesign.1. D2. E3. F4. G6-5.Generally takes priority at thefleet IMA to repair specificc a s u a l t i e s .1. A2. B3. C4. D6-6.Involves changes to strengthenbulkheads or change deckarrangements to provide space formachinery.1. D2. E3. F4. G6-7 .Used for ship-to-shop work by ashore IMA, tender, or repair shipand usually takes place just beforea regular shipyard or restricteda v a i l a b i l i t y .1. D2. E3. F4. G6 - 8 .Emergency repairs while underwaythat affect the ship’s mission andcan be done without changing theship’s operating schedule.1. A2. B3. C4. D40
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