6-16.6-17.6-18.6-19.6-20.6-21.Determines whether there is dangerto personnel or equipment fromnoxious or explosive gases duringany operation aboard ship or duringwork on ships alongside.,1. B2. C3. D4. ESupervises all diving operationsand ensures compliance with divinginstructions and precautions.1. A2. B3. C4. DProvides technical skills andperforms maintenance requiredaboard IMAs.1. B2. C3. D4. EUsually handles the internaladministration of the departmentand specifically keeps progressrecords on all work.1. A2. B3 . C4. DWhich of the following shops makeshull repairs and tests pad eyes andstructures with a dynometer?1.Shipfitter shop2.Inside machine shop3.Weld shop4.Sheet metal shopThe inside/outside machine shopsand foundry shop are a part of whatrepair division?1.Machinery2.E l e c t r i c al3.Engineering6-22.Logistic support including drydockoverhaul, repair, alterations, andconversion of naval ships areprovided by what SRI’ department?1.Planning and Estimating2.Administration and Control3.Production4.Repair6-23.An SRF service squadron assignswork to be done on a ship based onwhich of the following criteria?1.Time requirements2.Type of availability3.Funds allotted by the TYCOM4.Planning priority6-24.Which of the following personnelreceive copies of all work requestsand tracks and coordinates workdone in the shops?1.D i v i s i o n o f f i c e rs2.Ship superintendents3.Repair superintendents4.Shop supervisorsQuestion 6-25 through 6-29 refer ton a v a l s h i p y a r d s.6-25.Design services and up-to-datefiles of working drawings, records,and data is the responsibility ofwhat type of shipyard?1.Naval2.Home3.Planning4. SRF6-26.When, if ever, does the planningdepartment issue supplemental workrequests?1.When requested by shoppersonnel2.At the pre-arrival conference3.When unforeseen work is needed4.Never4.Hull42
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