6-27.The naval shipyard transportation,power plant, and maintenance shopsare usually assigned to which ofthe following departments?1.Production2.Planning3.Procurement4.Public works6-28.The ship superintendent holds adeparture conference for whatpurpose?1.To verify that all jobs werecompleted2.To set budget requirements forother ships of the same class3.To verify the status of allauthorized work and work thatshould be done during thes h i p ’ s n e x t a v a i l a b i l i ty4.To be sure the ship is readyfor overseas deployment6-29.The TYCOM and shipyard planningdepartment receive a priority listof SHIPALTS to be completed and afunding grant to cover the cost ofthe work how many days before ascheduled alteration?1.60 days2 .120 days3.160 days4.180 daysQuestions 6-30 through 6-35 refer toSUPSHIP.6-30.Priorities for work requestsoriginating on the ship are set bywhich of the following officers?1.CO and engineer officer2.CO, XO, and department heads3.CO and XO only4.Engineer officer and departmentheadsFigure 6CIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 6-31 THROUGH 6-35,SELECT FROM FIGURE 6C THE SUPSHIPDEPARTMENT DESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION6-31.Serves naval and civilian personnelmatters, industrial and publicr e l a t i o n s,security and officematters.1. A2. B3. C4. D6-32.Oversees inspection, final testing,trials, and deliveries of workunder contract to ensure compliancewith approved drawings, contractspecifications, and completiondate.1. A2. B3 . C4. D6-33.Arranges availabilities andreceives and distributes workrequests and authorization fora l t e r a t i o n s .1. A2. B3. C4. D6-34.Controls delivery and dispositionof GSM, administers property,prepares and maintains allowancelists, conducts pre-award surveys,and administers facilitiesc o n t r a c t s.1. B2 .C3. D4. E43
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