technical requirements and that repairedequipment performs satisfactorily.Quality control: The management practices thatpromote quality repairs.Acceptance: When an authorized representativeapproves specific services rendered such as arepair or manufactured part.Calibration: The comparison of two instrumentsor measuring devices, one of which is a standardof known accuracy traceable to nationalstandards. The purpose is to detect, correlate,report, or eliminate by adjustment anydiscrepancy in the accuracy of the instrument ormeasuring device being compared with thestandard.Inspection: The examination and testing ofcomponents and services to determine whetherthey conform to specified requirements.In-process inspection: An inspection doneduring the manufacture or repair cycle tomeasure results. It is also done to identifyproduction problems or material defects thatcannot be detected when the job is complete.Inspection record: Contains the data compiledduring an inspection.Specifications: Any technical or administrativedirective, such as an instruction, a technicalmanual, a drawing, a plan, or a publication, thatdefines repair testing or performance criteria.QA audit: A periodic or special evaluation ofpractices, plans, policies, procedures, products,directives, and records necessary to determinehow work is being done. The audit results are atool for improvement.Level I material: Material that has been certifiedas to its material and physical properties as wellas traceability to the manufacturer by a qualifiedcertification activity. This material has a MICnumber assigned along with a certificationdocument. It is destined for a level I system, asdefined in the MIC manual, and requires specialhandling.Controlled material: Any material that must beaccounted for and identified throughout themanufacturing or repair process.lllllllControlled work package (CWP): An assemblyof documents identified by a unique serialnumber that may contain detailed workprocedures, purchase documents, receiptinspection reports, objective quality evidence,local test results, and any tags, papers, prints,plans, and so on, that bear on the work performed.(See more information later in the chapter.)Levels of assurance: A systematic review ofquality control records and all production actionsto provide accountability that work performed ormaterial manufactured will perform as expectedand that there is documentary evidence to supportthat expectation. (See more information later inthe chapter.)Departure from specification: A lack ofcompliance with any authoritative document,plan, procedure, or instruction. (See moreinformation later in the chapter.)Procedure: A written instruction used inproduction and repair, giving all essentialelements and guidance necessary to produceacceptable and reliable products.Process: A set of actions written in a specialsequential order by which a repair ormaintenance action, a test, or an inspection isdone using specific guidelines, tools, andequipment.Reliability: The probability that an item willperform its intended function for a specifiedinterval under stated conditions.SUBSAFE: An acronym for the SubmarineSafety Program that provides a high level ofconfidence in the material conditions of the hullintegrity boundary.The Controlled Work PackageThe CWP provides QC requirements andprocedures to help ensure that fabrication or repair willproduce a quality product. These requirements orprocedures include both TYCOM and localcommand-generated information for processing andsign-off. The typical CWP will have QA forms,production task control forms, QC personnel sign-offrequirements, and hydro or test forms. Each CWPcovers the entire scope of the work process and is ableto stand on its own. The job control number (JCN)provides traceability from the work package to other8-5
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