designated as controlled materials. This applies only toships with level I systems.QA FORM 2, NEW MATERIALIN PROCESS CONTROLTAGSupply, QA, or shop personnel attach this tag (fig.8-3) to provide traceability of controlled material fromreceipt inspection through final acceptance. This appliesonly to ships with level I systems.QA FORM 3, MATERIAL REJECTTAGShop personnel,supply, or QA personnel willattach this tag (fig. 8-4) to rejected items of controlledmaterial. The individual finding or causing theunacceptable condition attaches the tag. The tagshows that material is unacceptable for productionwork and must be replaced or reinspectedbefore use. This applies only to ships with level Isystems.Figure 8-3.-QA Form 2, New Material In Process Control Tag.8-9
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