that are based on the fleet CINC manuals. Since theseCINC and TYCOM manuals apply to a wide range ofship types, equipment, and resources, the instructionsare necessarily general in nature. Therefore, eachactivity must implement its own QA program that meetsthe intent of the latest versions of the fleet CINC andTYCOM QA manuals. If higher authority imposes morestringent requirements, they will take precedence. TheNavy’s QA program applies to maintenance doneaboard ship by the ship’s force, in intermediatemaintenance activities (IMAs), shore intermediatemaintenance activities (SIMAs), ship repair facilities(SRFs) and shipyards. However, this chapter willconcentrate on QA work done by the ship’s force.QA PROGRAM COMPONENTSThe QA program includes administrative and jobcomponents. The administrative component includesthe requirement to train and qualify personnel, monitorand audit programs, and complete the QA forms andrecords. The job component includes the requirement toprepare work procedures, meet controlled materialrequirements, requisition and receive material, conductin-process control of fabrication and repairs, test andrecertify equipment, and document any departure fromspecifications.THE QA LINK TO MAINTENANCEThe Navy has a long-standing requirement thatmaintenance work must meet technical specifications.The person doing the maintenance is directlyresponsible for that requirement. Therefore, any workerwho is expected to do the job properly must be properlytrained, provided with correct tools and parts, familiarwith the technical manuals and plans, and adequatelysupervised. These elements continue to be the primarymeans to assure that maintenance is performedcorrectly.Once there is a decision to proceed withmaintenance, you must apply QA requirements at thesame time you plan the maintenance and supervise itscompletion. You will find technical information in avariety of sources, and you must decide whatinformation fits a particular job. This may be the mostdifficult part of your planning effort. Once you decide,the maintenance objective becomes two-fold: (1) besure the maintenance work meets all specifications, and(2) be sure the documentation is complete and accurateand can be audited.THE QUALITY ASSURANCEORGANIZATIONThe Navy’s QA program organization begins withthe fleet CINCs, who provide the basic QA programrequirements. The TYCOMs provide instruction,policy, and overall direction to implement and operatethe force QA program. Each TYCOM assigns a forceQA officer to administer the force QA program. Theships’ commanding officers (COs) are responsible to theTYCOM, via the chain of command, for QA on theirships. The CO organizes and implements a QA programwithin the ship to carry out the provisions of theTYCOM’s QA program, and he assigns key QApersonnel for that purpose. In most cases, these keypersonnel are on collateral duty assignments. We willgive you a brief description of the responsibilities ofeach of these positions followed by a discussion of theirtraining and qualifications in the following pages.THE COMMANDING OFFICERThe CO is responsible for the quality of materialwithin a command, but he depends on the fullcooperation of all hands to help meet this responsibility.The CO cannot maintain high standards of qualityworkmanship by merely creating a QA organizationwithin a maintenance organization. The organizationmust have the full support of everyone within it. It is notthe inspection instruments and instructions that bringhigh standards of quality; it is the attitudes of those whodo the work. In the following paragraphs, we will lookat the training and responsibilities for the key QApersonnel previously described.THE QUALITY ASSURANCE OFFICERThe quality assurance officer (QAO) is usually acollateral duty with the following responsibilities for theship’s QA program:llllCoordinate the QA training program as anintegral part of the ship’s overall trainingprogram.Maintain ship’s QA records and test andinspection reports.Maintain departure-from-specifications recordsthat can be audited, and review procedures andcontrolled work packages prepared by the ship.Conduct QA audits as required and follow up oncorrective action to comply with the QAprogram.8-2
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