TYPES OF MATERIALTo satisfy the requirements of material reportingand accounting, the Navy divides material into fivecategories: (1) equipment, (2) equipage, (3) repair parts,(4) consumable supplies, and (5) services. We’ll explaineach one in the next paragraphs.Equipment is any fictional electronic, ordnance,hull, mechanical, or electrical unit that is operated singlyor as a component of a system or subsystem and that isidentified by a Component Identification Descrip-tion/Allowance Parts List (CID/APL). Examples ofequipment are turbines, pumps, and electric motors.Equipage is an item of a durable nature that is notaltered or consumed in use. The allowance of equipageusually is determined on an individual ship basis and iscontained in the Allowance Parts Lists (APLs),Allowance Equipage Lists (AELs), or other authoriza-tion issued by commands, bureaus, or offices. Equipageitems differ from equipment in that they are usuallyportable. Certain items of equipage are designated“controlled equipage” and require increased manage-ment control for the following reasons:llllHigh unit costVulnerability to pilferageEssentiality to the ship’s missionPersonnel safetyNAVSUPPub 485, appendix II, lists items designatedas controlled equipage. Those items requiring custodialsignatures are identified by asterisks.A repair part is any item that appears in an APL, amanufacturer’s instruction book, technical manual, or asimilar parts list. Consumable materials such as gaskets,which have an equipment application, are alsoconsidered repair parts.Consumable supplies are administrative andhousekeeping items, general-purpose hardware,common tools, or any other item not specifically definedas equipage or repair parts.Services are nonmaterial requirements such as equipmentrental, commercial telephone, pilotage, and tug hire.IDENTIFICATION OF MATERIALRarely do any two persons see the same details ofthe same object, much less describe them in the samewords. This need for a brief, accurate means to identifyone specific item of material led to the Federal CatalogSystem presently in use throughout the DOD and civilagencies of the government. This system requires thatonly one identification number be assigned to a specificitem of material used by and carried under centralizedinventory control of any civil or military agency of theFederal Government. The Federal Catalog Systemincludes the requirement to name, describe, classify, andnumber all items, and to publish catalogs and stock andidentification lists.NATIONAL STOCK NUMBERSThe national stock number (NSN) consists of 13digits and is the common language of materialidentification. The first four digits of the NSN make upthe Federal Supply Classification (FSC), which has twoelements: group and class.The FSC consists of 76 groups, some of which areshown in the following list. NAVSUP P-485 contains acomplete list of assigned groups.GROUPTITLE31Bearings43Pumps and Compressors48Valves59Electrical and Electronic SystemComponents79Cleaning SuppliesThe remaining nine digits of the NSN make up thenational item identification number (NIIN). The NIINconsists of a two-digit NCB (National CodificationBureau) code and seven digits, which, in conjunctionwith the NCB code, uniquely identifies each NSN itemin the Federal supply distribution system. For example:5-3
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