Section C–Not usedSection CF–Maintenance moduleSection CR–SNSL for ready service spacesSection D–Alternate number cross reference tostock numberOld to new stock number cross-reference list (filedbetween sections B and D)T H E S U M M A R Y O F E F F E C T I VEALLOWANCE PARTS/EQUIPAGE LISTS.— Thisis a numerical list of all APLs and AELs that are includedin the ship’s SPCC COSAL. Use this summary to checkpart II for missing APL/AELs when a new COSAL isreceived, and periodically thereafter. It is in numericalsequence and should be kept current by adding ordeleting identification numbers as changes are made toyour COSAL. The summary is illustrated in figure 5-1.Sections A and B of the index contain exactly thesame information arranged to provide a cross-index ofall APL/AELs in part II. Figure 5-2 shows examples ofsections A and B, and the following list describes thecontents of the columns of sections A and B.1. Equipage/componentmilitaryessentialitycode:Items of equipment that are essential to the ship’smission.–Vital. Failure of the equipment couldreduce the ship’s capability to perform itsmission.N–Nonvital. Failure of this equipmentwould not adversely affect the ship’smission.Equipment/component/equipage nomenclature/characteristics: The noun name and partialcharacteristics description of each APL andAEL.Identificationnumber:The APL or AEL identi-fication number.Quantity:The quantity of each equipment/component per service aboard ship, covered bythe applicable APL. Column 4 will be blank forall AELs.Columnnumber:The applicable AEL columnnumber from which the allowance isdetermined. This column is blank for all APLs.Notes:A code that indicates specificinformation about an APL/AEL entry. Thesecodes are listed and defined in the introduction.Allowancesupportcode:Reserved for futureuse. (See item 11.)Figure 5-1.-Summary of effective allowance parts/equipage list.5-6
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