service ormajor shipboard function in which theequipment, component, or equipagc operates orperforms a service.Servicecode:A code to designate serviceapplication.Shiptypeandhullnumber:The specific ship forwhich the COSAL is prepared.Date:Date of preparation (may be expressed asJulian or month-day-year date).AllowanceSupportCodes:Pertains to item 7.Page:Consecutive page numbering from firstto to last. Page numbers proceeded by theletter H apply to hull, mechanical, and electrical(example H-1). Page numbers preceded by Zapply to ordnance (example Z-1 ).Sections C, D, and E also contain cross-indexedinformation of APL/AEL, EIC, and work breakdownstructure (WBS). Figure 5-3 shows an example ofsection C, and the following list describes the contentsof the columns of section C.1.2.AllowancepartsIist/allowanceequiflagclistsnumber:Number of API/AEL.Application/identificationactivitycode:Identifies the activity responsible for the supply3. control or program support forequipment, component, or item of supply, andthe type of allowance document to which it isrelated.Equipmentidentificationcode:EIC ofAPL/AEL.Workbreakdownfunctiongroupcode:Identifies a hardware oriented breakdown of aship’s system including all subsystems to thecompartment level.Servicecode:Designates service application.Workcenter:Designates subdivision of ship’screw assigned to accomplish maintenancerequirements for specified installed equipment.Componentname:Noun name of APL/AEL.Maintenanccindexpage:Coded page numberof the PMS manual that indexes a set ofmaintenance requirement cards for a specifiedinstalled piece of ship equipment.Recordidcntificationnumber:Assigned bySPCC.Quantitycolumn:Quantity of each equipment. .component aboard ship and the applicablecolumn number for cquipagc.Figure 5-3.–COSAL index, part 1, section C.5-8
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