Figure 8-17.--Post tie.
This method is essentially the same as that of the
intermediate-eye tie.
Barbed-Tape Splices
Figure 8-16.--Standard barbed-wire apron tie.
Connecting slots at each end of a 164-fbot reel
provide a quick method of splicing reels of barbed tape.
You can also splice barbed tape by interlocking the
twisted barbs of two separate lengths, then completing
3. One side of the loop should pass above the eye
the splice by twisting a short piece of wire to each end
and the other side below the eye.
of the area where spliced.
Apron Tie
Use the apron tie whenever two wires that cross
To install the wires, follow these steps:
must be tied together. Tie it in the same reamer as the
post tie except that a wire is substituted for the post (fig.
1. Attach the end of the wire to the first anchor
picket. This is the picket at the right end of a section of
entanglement from the friendly side. Build fences from
the right to the left as this makes it easier for a
Post Tie
right-handed man to make the ties while facing toward
the enemy.
Fasten standard barbed wire to wooden pickets or
2. Insert a bar in the reel and carry the reel 75 to
to the steel U-shaped picket with the post tie shown in
88 feet, allowing the wire to unreel from the bottom. Do
figure 8-17. Wrap the wire tightly around the post to
this on the friendly side of the row of pickets to which
keep the barbs from sliding down. With the U-shaped
the wire is to be tied.
picket, engage the wire wrapping in a notch in the picket.