2. Tie materials together in man loads and pickets,
bundled tightly to prevent rattling.
3. Remove and replace wire fastenings of wire
coils and pickets with string that can be broken easily.
4. Tie a piece of tape to the ends of the wire on each
reel or bobbin.
Proper supervision of entanglement construction
includes the following:
1. Organizing the work into tasks
2. Ensuring the tasks are carried out in proper
3. Preventing bunching and overcrowding of
4. Ensuring the wires are tightened properly and
spaced correctly
Figure 8-13.--Ties for erecting entanglements as seen from the
5. Checking ties to see they are being made
friendly side.
correctly and at the right points
For night construction, make the following addi-
When the enemy is in close proximity, the necessary
tional preparations:
precautions include the following:
1. Lay tracing tape from the materials dump to the
1. Providing security around the work party.
site of work and then along the line of fence where
2. Maintaining silence.
Figure 8-14.--Top-eye tie.