heavy fire and withdraw without becoming decisively
counterambush measures. When a destruction ambush
engaged. An ambush established and executed in this
is deployed in this reamer, access lines are left so the
manner is called a "bloody nose" ambush.
target can be assaulted. An advantage of the line
formation is its relative ease of control under all
The T formation can be used to stop or hamper small
conditions of visibility.
groups attempting night movement across open areas;
for example, you can deploy the attack force along a
The L
rice-paddy dike with every second man facing in the
opposite direction The attack of a target approaching
The L-shaped formation is a variation of the line
from either direction requires only that every second
formation. The long side of the attack force is parallel
man shift to the opposite side of the dike. Each man fires
to the killing zone and delivers flanking fire. The short
only to his front and only when the target is at very close
side of the attack force is at the end of, and at right angles
range. Attack is by fire only and each man keeps the
to, the killing zone and delivers enfilading fire that
target under fire as long as it remains on his front. When
interlocks with fire from the other leg. This formation is
the target attempts to escape in either direction along the
very flexible. You can establish it on a straight stretch of
dike, each man takes it under fire as it comes to his
a trail, stream, or at a sharp bend in a trail or stream.
vicinity. The T formation is very effective at halting
When appropriate, fire from the short leg can be shifted
infiltration. But it has one chief disadvantage-there is a
to parallel the long leg if the target attempts to assault or
possibility that the ambush will engage a superior force
escape in the opposite direction. In addition, the short
at night while spread out; therefore, use of this formation
leg prevents escape in its direction and reinforcement
must fit the local enemy situation.
from its direction
The V
The Z
Deploy the V-shaped attack force along both sides
The Z-shaped formation is another variation of the
of the target's route of movement so it forms the letter
line formation. The attack force is deployed as in the L
V. Care is taken to ensure that neither group nor leg fires
formation, but with an additional side so the formation
into the other. This formation subjects the target to both
resembles the letter Z. The additional side may serve any
enfilading and interlocking fire. The V formation is best
of the following purposes:
suited for fairly open terrain but can also be used in the
1. To engage a force attempting to relieve or
jungle. When established in the jungle, the legs of the V
reinforce the target
close in as the head elements of the target approach the
apex of the V and open fire from close range. Here, even
2. To seal the end of the killing zone
more than in open terrain, all movement and fire must
3. To restrict a flank
be carefully coordinated and controlled to ensure that
the fire of one leg does not endanger the other. The wider
4. To prevent envelopment
separation of forces makes this formation difficult to
control, and there are fewer sites that favor its use. The
The T
main advantage of the V formation is the target has
difficulty detecting the ambush until the ambush force
In the T-shaped formation, the attack force is
is well into the killing zone.
deployed across and at right angles to the target's route
of movement so the attack force and the target form the
letter T. This formation can be used day or night to
establish a purely harassing ambush and, at night, to
establish an ambush to stop or hamper enemy movement
When a patrol is ambushed, the immediate action
through open, hard-to-seal areas, such as rice paddies.
drill to use is determined by whether the ambush is near
or far.
A small force can use the T formation to harass,
slow, and disorganize a larger force. When the lead
In a NEAR ambush, the killing zone is under heavy,
elements of the target are engaged, they normally
highly concentrated, close-range fire. There is little time
attempt to maneuver right or left to close the ambush.
or space for men to maneuver or seek cover. The longer
Mines, man-traps, and other obstacles placed to the
they remain in the killing zone, the more certain their
flanks of the killing zone slow the movements of the
destruction; therefore, if attacked by a NEAR ambush,
enemy. They also permit the ambush force to deliver
the patrol should react as follows: