bites, to thirst in silence, to resist the desire to sleep, to
ease cramped muscles, and to perform normal body
functions. When the target approaches, the men must
Surprise, coordinated fire, and control are the basic
resist the temptation to open fire before the signal is
elements essential to a successful ambush.
Surprise must be achieved or the attack is not an
ambush; surprise distinguishes ambush from other
forms of attack Also, surprise allows the ambush force
A point ambush can be used independently or as part
to seize and retain control of the situation. When
of an area ambush. In a point ambush, the attack force
complete surprise cannot be achieved, it must be so
is positioned along the target's expected route of
nearly complete that the target is not aware of the
approach. The formation is an important consideration
ambush until too late for effective reaction. Surprise is
because it determines whether a point ambush is able to
achieved by careful planning, thorough preparation, and
deliver the heavy volume of highly concentrated fire
exact execution. Only through detailed planning and
necessary to isolate, trap, and destroy the target.
thorough preparation can you make a sound decision on
The formation is determined by careful
when, where, and what type of targets you should or
consideration of possible formations and the advantages
should NOT attack and how you will attack so the
and disadvantages of each in relation to the following:
enemy is LEAST prepared.
1. The terrain, conditions of visibility, forces,
All weapons, including mines and demolitions,
weapons, and equipment
must be positioned. All firepower, including that of
available artillery and mortars, must be coordinated to
2. The ease of difficulty of control, and the target
achieve the isolation of the killing zone to prevent
to be attacked
escape or reinforcement. An ambush must also achieve
3. The overall combat situation
the surprise delivery of a large volume of highly
concentrated fire into the killing zone. The fire must
In this training manual, a few formations that have
inflict maximum damage so, when desired you can
been developed for the deployment of point ambushes
speedily assault and completely destroy the target.
are discussed. Those discussed are identified by giving
them names that correspond to the general pattern
Close control must be maintained during movement
formed on the ground by the deployment of the attack
to, occupation of, and withdrawal from the ambush site.
The ambush commander must effectively control all
elements of the ambush force. Control is most critical at
the time of approach of the target. Control measures
must provide for the following:
The attack force is deployed generally parallel to the
target's route of movement (road, trail, stream, etc.)
1. Early warning of target approach
This positions the attack force parallel to the long axis
2. Withholding of fire until the target has moved
of the killing zone and subjects the target to heavy
into the killing zone
flanking fire. The area that the attack force can
effectively cover with a heavy volume of highly
3. Opening fire at the proper time
concentrated fire limits the size of the killing zone that
4. Initiation of the right actions if the ambush is
can trap the target. The target is trapped in the killing
prematurely detected
zone by natural obstacles, mines (Claymore,
5. Lifting or shifting of supporting fires when the
antivehicular, and antipersonnel), demolitions, and
attack includes assault of the target
direct and indirect fire. A disadvantage of the line
formation is the chance that lateral dispersion of the
6. Timely and orderly withdrawal of the ambush
target may be too great for effective coverage. The line
force to an easily recognizable rally point
formation is appropriate in close terrain that restricts
The men of the ambush force must maintain
target maneuvers and in open terrain where one flank is
maximum control themselves so they do not
restricted by natural obstacles or can be restricted by
compromise the ambush. They must use patience and
mines, demolitions, man-traps, or stakes. Similar
self-discipline by remaining still and quiet while waiting
obstacles can be placed between the attack force and the
for the target to appear. They may have to endure insect
killing zone to provide protection from the target's