The route of return and an ALTERNATE route in
case of detection by the enemy.
In general, coordination means the arrangements
Patrol conduct, such as
made by other units to cooperate in the mission of the
patrol. Examples are as follows:
the formation to maintain and the order of
movement to follow,
Friendly units in whose areas the patrol will operate
must be informed so the patrol will not be endangered
the points of departure from and reentry into
by fire from other friendly units.
friendly areas,
To depart from or reenter a friendly area, the unit
the rallying points and the action(s) to take there,
occupying that area may be required to provide guides
the action to take upon enemy contact,
to lead the patrol around obstacles, such as mines or
Friendly units may be called on to give the patrol
the action to take at the objective.
fire support. Fire support is fire delivered for the purpose
of aiding another unit by doing the following:
and equipment specified in the warning order have been
Inflicting casualties on the enemy
Diverting the attention of the enemy from the
Determine the disposition to be made of friendly
forces that are wounded and enemy prisoners.
Concealing the movements of the patrol by
Signal system to use.
Report system to follow.
Challenge and password to use not only within the
Giving the patrol directional guidance
patrol but also in areas covered by other friendly units.
You may be required to establish coordination with
Check to ensure that everybody has a place in the
other units yourself, or some or all of your coordination
may be established by the command. In the latter case,
Location of leaders-that is, where the leader plans
you must check to ensure that nothing required has been
to be in the formation and where the leader plans to
station the assistant patrol leader.
A patrol leader should issue orders in a clear,
While the patrol is preparing for the mission, the
concise, and forceful reamer. Follow the standard
operation order format, as shown in figure 11-36 of
possible, to get information not available on the map.
chapter 11. All patrol members should be present. The
patrol leader precedes the order with a complete oral
Check the route to be followed, noting prominent
description of the plan and answers all questions after
features of the terrain and any signs of enemy activity.
completing the order.
When aerial reconnaissance is impossible, try to find a
good location from which to observe the area.
The patrol leader should hold a REHEARSAL of
the mission, even if the patrol is thoroughly experienced.
After the patrol leader has received the patrol order,
Before the rehearsal, the leader should hold an
issued the warning order, and made a reconnaissance,
INSPECTION to determine the state of readiness, both
he prepares a detailed plan for accomplishing the
physical and mental, of the men. The patrol leader must
mission. This place includes the following:
The specific duties of each element.
of uniform, weapons, and equipment. Then he will