plate, which also has two holes for insertion of nails. The
trigger mechanism consists of a spring-loaded trigger.
Since the Ml8A1 can only be fired once, FIRE
One end of the trigger has the spring assembly anchored
DISCIPLINE is of major importance. The mine should
thereto and has a hole for insertion of the trip wire. The
not be used against single personnel targets; rather, it
other end of the trigger has a narrow tongue used to hold
should be used for its intended purposemassed
the safety lever in place when the trigger is turned in the
personnel. When lead elements of an enemy formation
vertical position. The spring is wound around the trigger
approach within approximately 20 to 30 meters of the
mine, it should be detonated.
The location chosen for the flare should be to the
EFFECTIVE COVERAGE of the entire front of a
right (looking toward the enemy) of the field to be
position by the mines can be accomplished by placing
illuminated, so the trip wire, when attached, runs to the
them in a line no closer together than 5 meters and no
right of the flare when facing the trigger. Using two of
farther apart than 45 meters. A preferred lateral and
the nails supplied, nail the holder plate with ends of the
rearward separation distance is approximately 25
two tabs upward to a stake, post, or suitable support at
the height desired for the trip wire (usually 15 to 18
inches above the ground). Mount the flare by sliding the
METHODS OF FIRING the Ml8A1 mine can be
two square holes of the anchor clip over the mating tabs
in either the controlled or uncontrolled role. An
on the holder and press the flare down until it is locked
uncontrolled mine is essentially a booby trap, and its use
in position. If desired, a third nail maybe driven through
by Seabees is not authorized. In a controlled role, the
the hole in the lower end of the anchor clip.
operator detonates the mine as the enemy approaches
within the killing zone. The operator can, by use of either
Fasten one end of the trip wire to the post, stake, or
an electrical or a nonelectrical firing system, control
other rigid object at the desired distance from the flare
detonation. In almost all cases, mines used by the
(usually about 40 feet) and at the right of the flare when
Seabees are fired electrically with the M57 firing device.
facing the flare trigger.
Press the fuze safety lever down with one hand and
rotate the trigger one-quarter turn counterclockwise
against the spring pressure with the other hand to the
A trip flare is used primarily to illuminate and to
vertical position, so the lower end of the safety lever is
give warning of attacking or infiltrating enemy troops.
behind the upper end of the trigger.
Normally, it is placed in the path of, and activated by, an
Pull the loose end of the trip wire taut and fasten it
advancing enemy. Trip flares are usually available to an
to the hole in the lower end of the trigger.
individual or small unit and can provide temporary
At this point, check to see that the trip wire is taut
and fastened at both ends, and the trigger is vertical with
any, application in other than defensive operations.
the fuze safety lever behind the upper end of the trigger
The M49 trip flare resembles a hand grenade in size
so when the pull ring and safety pin are withdrawn, the
and shape, except that it is provided with a bracket for
safety lever is still held by the trigger.
attachment to a tree or post and a trigger mechanism for
Hold the lever with one hand while carefully
firing. The flare burns with a yellowish light and
withdrawing the pull ring and safety pin from the flare
illuminates an area radius of approximately 300 meters.
The trip fuze M12 resembles the hand grenade fuzes for
Carefully release the hold on the safety lever, while
cylindrical hand grenades, but it has no body tube or
making sure the lever is held in place by the upper end
delay charge.
of the trigger.
The flare has a laminated paper body, containing an
To remove a trip flare, carefully depress the safety
1 1-ounce flare charge and is closed at both ends by metal
lever to align the holes in the lever and the fuze and insert
caps. The upper cap has taped holes and a threaded
central hole for the trip fuze M12. The mounting bracket
the safety pin. Detach the trip wire from the trigger while
holding the safety lever against the flare and rotate the
and trigger mechanism are attached to the base cap. The
bracket consists of a triangular anchor clip with one hole
trigger to its original position. Remove the nails from
at its lowest end, for insertion of a nail, and two square
the holding plate and the anchor clip. Return the flare to
holes to permit engagement with tabs of the mounting
its original position and packing.