Figure 12-16.--The M57 firing device.
The outer surface is a curved rectangular, olive drab,
molded plastic case. The front portion of the case has a
fragmentation face containing steel spheres embedded
in a plastic matrix (enclosure). The back portion of the
(composite explosive).
When detonated, the Ml8A1 mine projects steel
Figure 12-14.--The M18A1 antipersonnel mine and accessories
fragments over a 60-degree fan-shaped pattern
packed in the M7 bandoleer.
approximately 6 feet high and 50 meters wide at a range
equipped with a fixed plastic, slit type of sight,
of 50 meters (fig. 12-15). These fragments are
adjustable legs, and two detonator wells. The mine and
moderately effective up to a range of approximately 100
all its accessories are carried in the M7 bandoleer
meters and can travel up to 250 meters. The optimum
(fig. 12-14).
effective rangethe range at which the most desirable
balance is achieved between lethality and area
The mine weighs about 3 1/2 pounds and is 8 1/2
coverageis 50 meters.
inches long, 1 3/8 inches wide, and 3 1/4 inches high.
Figure 12-15.--Range and effects of the M18A1.