the exact line of the tactical wire. To the rear of the
FEBA, use supplementary wire to enclose the entire
defensive position by connecting the protective-wire
entanglements. Use supplementary-wire entanglements
to break up the line of tactical wire. These supple-
mentary-wire entanglements should be identical to the
tactical-wire entanglements and constructed simulta-
neously with them whenever possible.
Depth of Entanglements
You should classify entanglements by depth as
belts, bands, or zones.
A BELT is an entanglement one fence in depth.
A BAND consists of two or more belts in depth,
with no interval between them. The belts maybe fences
of the same type, or the band maybe composed of two
or more fences of different types.
A ZONE consists of two or more bands or belts in
depth with intervals between them.
Equivalent Effectiveness
Figure 8-2.--Protective wire on top of overhead cover.
You should describe or specify entanglement depths
in terms of comparative effectiveness. Use tactical-wire
entanglements with an equivalent in effectiveness to
Protective-Wire Entanglements
three belts of 4- and 2-pace double-apron fence
whenever possible. Use protective wire in any type of
Locate protective-wire entanglements to prevent
entanglement provided its effectiveness is at least the
surprise assaults from points close to the defense area.
equivalent of the 4- and 2-pace double-apron fence. Use
As with all antipersonnel obstacles, they are close
supplementary wire with an effectiveness equivalent to
enough to the defense area for day-and-night
that of the type of wire it supplements. It should be
observation. They are also far enough away to prevent
equivalent to tactical wire or equivalent to the type of
the enemy from using hand grenades effectively from
protective wire being used if it connects the outer
points just beyond the obstacle, normally 131 to 328
perimeters of protective wire at the flanks and rear.
feet. Surround the individual units of a command,
usually the platoon (fig. 8-1), with protective wire.
Connect these entanglements to entanglements around
other platoons by supplementary wire to enclose the
By definition, fixed entanglements are erected in
entire defensive positions. Erect protective entangle-
place and they cannot be moved unless completely
ments around rear-area installations in ehe same manner
to serve the same purpose as protective wire around
defensive positions in forward areas. You should also
Conversely, you can move portable, entanglements
include the entanglements of protective wire over the
without complete disassembly. Portable entanglements
tops of installations provided with overhead cover
have been developed for one of the following reasons:
(fig. 8-2).
To permit assembly in rear areas with ease of
transportation and rapid installation in forward positions
Supplementary-Wire Entanglements
For the temporary closing of gaps or lanes that
can be reopened quickly for patrols or counterattacking
Use supplementary-wire entanglements in front of
the forward edge of the battle area (FEBA) to conceal