Figure 11-15.--TA-312/PT telephone set.
The KY-57 is the primary piece of VINSON
The TA-312/PT telephone set shown in figure 11-15
COMSEC equipment used today for voice/data
is a lightweight, waterproof, battery-powered, field
encryption on VHF radios and for a large number of
telephone designed for local-battery or common-battery
wireline devices. When hooked to a radio, a teletype
circuits. It has facilities for operating push-to-talk radio
piece of gear, or a telephone device, the KY-57 can
circuits and a range of 14 to 22 miles. The set weighs
scramble (encrypt) the information being passed
about 9 1/2 pounds.
through it so only stations on our net having the same
The TA-312/PT consists of three primary
key as we do receive the information. The KY-57 uses
electronic keys to encrypt the information, can be
1. The telephone set case, made of reinforced
rekeyed remotely, and can accept signal fades up to 12
seconds without losing synchronization with the
transmitting station. The KY-57 can be set up in the
2. The panel and housing assembly that encloses
man-pack, vehicular, or fixed-site configuration.
all electrical components.