Figure 14-36.--Correct placement of the front sight lead posts.
determined, the launcher is placed in position on the
right shoulder so the right eye is 2 1/2 to 3 inches from
Front Sight. The front sight consists of a sight
the rear sight. The firer is concerned with correctly
blade with a center post and left and right lead posts (fig.
pointing the AT4 so the cartridge hits the target when he
14-35). It has a semicircular white line to aid in
fires. To do this, he must have the rear sight, the front
obtaining the proper sight picture. To open the front sight
sight posts, and the target (or aiming point) in proper
cover, press down on the sight cover and slide it
relationship-known as the sight picture. A correct sight
picture is obtained when the sights are properly aligned
Rear Sight. The rear sight consists of a sight
and the aiming point (target) is in correct relationship to
blade, range setting knob, range scale, 2-mm peephole
the front sight posts.
(for normal light conditions), and 7-mm peephole (for
limited visibility) (fig. 14-35). To open the rear sight
cover, press down on the cover and slide it forward.
1. To engage a stationary target. Place the center
post at the center mass of the target. Targets moving
directly toward or away from the firer are the same as
In general, to aim the launcher, you must first
estimate the range to the target. Once the range is
stationary targets (fig. 14-36, view A).