Figure 14-37.--Trigger manipulation.
2. To engage a slow moving target. Place the center
selection of the best position. Whenever possible,
post on the front leading edge of the vehicle (less than
support should be used to stabilize the gunner's aim.
10 miles per hour). This includes oblique moving targets
(fig. 14-36, view B).
Standing Position
3. To engage a fast moving target (more then 10
The standing position (fig. 14-38) is similar to that
miles per hour). When the target is moving to the left,
of firing a rifle. Face the target, execute a half-right face,
place the right lead post at the center of the mass. When
spread your feet a comfortable distance apart, and place
the target is moving to the right, place the left lead post
the launcher on your right shoulder; your body should
at the center of the mass (fig. 14-36, view C).
be well-balanced with your hips level. Your left hand
The trigger for the AT4 is a red button on the right
side of the tube. To fire the launcher, you must apply
pressure straight forward with the thumb of your right
hand in a steady, smooth movement. Proper trigger
manipulation (fig. 14-37) can be developed by dry-fire
practice with an expended AT4 or AT4 training devices.
The AT4 is fired from the right shoulder only. It may
be fired from the standing, kneeling, sitting, or prone
position. The exact position may vary slightly to allow
for the configuration of an individual's body. Any of
these positions are suitable for stationary targets. In
general, the most suitable positions for engaging
moving targets are standing and kneeling. Situation,
Figure 14-38.--Standing position.
terrain, and gunner preference should govern the