ADDRESSEE-- The activity or individual to whom a
conducted by conventional forces against guerrilla
message is to be delivered.
forces in rear areas at the same time the
ADJUST-- A command to the spotter or observer to
conventional force is engaged in conventional
initiate an adjustment on a designated target.
combat operations in the forward areas.
ADJUSTMENT-- Process used to obtain correct line,
APERTURE SIGHT-- A lensless sight by which the
range, and connect height of burst (if time fuzes are
target is viewed through a hole, or aperture (as
used) in engaging a target by observed fire.
contrasted with an open sight having only a V-cut
plan or order relating to the operation plan or order
APPROACH MARCH-- The advance toward the
for a tactical operation, that is issued as its paragraph
enemy from the point where the zone of hostile
4. It sets forth information and instructions
artillery or other distant fire is entered.
governing the logistical and administrative support
AREA DEFENSE-- A form of defense oriented toward
of the operation.
the retention of specific terrain; area defense relies
ADVANCE-- The forward movement of a unit toward
mainly on deployed forces that fire to stop and
the enemy.
repulse the attacker.
ADVANCE BY BOUNDS-- An advance controlled by
AREA OF CONCENTRATION-- A limited area on
which a volume of fire is placed within a limited time.
the assignment of successive objectives, usually
from one terrain feature to the next.
ASSAULT-- The final step of the attack phase; the rush
to close combat with the enemy and to drive him out
ADVANCE GUARDS-- A security element that
in hand-to-hand combat with the extensive use of
precedes and protects the main body of a force,
whatever its formation, and covers its deployment
for action if enemy contact is made.
ASSAULT POSITION-- A position located between
the line of departure and the object.
ADVANCE PARTY-- A security element organic to the
advance guard that precedes and protects the
ASSEMBLY-- Two or more parts fastened together and
not usually disassembled except for replacement.
ALIGNMENT-- The formation in a straight line of
ASSEMBLY AREA-- The area where a command
several elements.
assembles preparatory to making a move.
ALTERNATE POSITION-- The position designated to
ATTACHED-- A unit is attached to another when
serve as the primary position under certain
command, operational, and administrative control
of the attached unit passes from its parent unit to
the commander of the unit to which attachment is
AMPLIFIER-- A device that increases signal power.
ANGLE OF ELEVATION-- The vertical angle between
ATTACK-- A phase of offensive combat; offensive
the line from the muzzle of a weapon to the target
action directed against the enemy with the intent to
and the axis of the bore when the weapon is laid for
kill, capture, or drive him from his position.
ATTACK POSITION-- The most forward covered and
ANNEX-- A document appended to and forming a part
concealed position in rear of the line of departure
of a complete plan, order, or other document.
occupied by assault units for the minimum amount
ANTENNA-- An electrical conductor, or system of con-
of time necessary to coordinate final details and
preparations for the attack.
ductors, used to transmit or receive radio waves.