squeeze only when the front sight is momentarily at
rest or is slowly moving in the smallest area of the
bull's-eye. An inexperienced shooter usually tends to
"snap shoot" in this position; that is, he or she
attempts to complete the trigger action instantly as
the front sight moves across the aiming point. This
invariably results in jerking the rifle and producing a
wild shot.
Squeezing the trigger correctly is not as easy as it
may appear; the technique must be fully mastered To
assist you in remembering the correct technique, the
acronym, BRASS, was developed.
BBREATH. Proper breathing is essential. It
will help you relax, steady your aim, and clear your
vision. First, take a normal breath; then release part of
Figure 3-47.--Cross-legged position.
it (enough to be comfortable); and hold the
remainder. Do not hold your breath for more than 10
seconds before shooting. This may tense your
muscles and blur your vision. If you do not shoot
during this breathing period, take another normal
breath and repeat the procedure.
RRELAX. You must relax. The more relaxed
you are the better your shot will be.
AAIM. Concentrate on the proper sight
alignment of the correct sight picture. Focus your eye
on the front sight post (blade).
S-SLACK. Some rifles have a certain amount of
slack in the trigger. Take up this slack before starting
your squeeze to the rear to fire. The M16 trigger slack
is insignificant, and this step is generally omitted
Figure 3-48.--Cross-ankled position.
when firing that weapon. Knowing your weapon is
important here.
unnatural, straining grasp will cause excessive
SSQUEEZE. Squeeze the trigger as previously
muscular tension in the hand, resulting in a tremor,
described. If you squeeze it properly, you will not
that will also be transmitted to the weapon.
know when the round will fire. This will prevent
The index finger should make contact with the
flinching, caused by anticipation of the shock, or
trigger at the place that will best produce a movement
recoil, from the exploding cartridge.
straight to the rear. This is usually between the first
joint and the tip. The trigger (index) finger must not
Calling Your Shot
touch the receiver or rifle.
Once the sights are lined up, apply pressure on
One of the best ways of developing good
the trigger and gradually increase it until the hammer
shooting habits is to learn to call your shot. To do
releases and the shot fires. If at any time during this
this, you must notice exactly where you aim the
process the sights drift off the target, interrupt the
sights at the instant you fire the shot and call out
trigger squeeze, but maintain the pressure. When the
immediately where you think the bullet will hit. This
sight picture is again correct, continue the squeeze
takes a lot of concentration. Any shooter who cannot
until you fire the shot.
call his or her shot correctly is either blinking or
When you fire from the standing position,
flinching. Shots are called by the "clock method." An
coordination of trigger squeeze and proper aim is
example would be "bull's-eye at 4 o'clock"; that is,
critical. The shooter must start and continue his or her
the shot hit the lower right portion of the bull's-eye.