FRONT SIGHT. The friont sight always appears to be
the same size. However, depending on the distance your
eye is from the rear sight, more or less of the front sight
may be visible in the sight picture. The front sight, not
the target, is the point of focus for the eye; and as such,
it will be sharp and distinct in outline. For this reason,
keep the front sight square, leveled, and blackened.
AIMING POINT. The aiming point is that point
on the target upon which the sights of the weapon are
brought to bear. The correct aiming point is at 6 o'clock;
that is, the bottom of the bull's-eye of a type "A" target
Figure 3-39.--6 o'clock sight picture held on "A" target at a range
(fig. 3-39) or the silhouette of a type "D" target (fig.
of 200 yards.
3-40). Any location on the target face is always given
relative to a similar position on a clockface regardless
of the target shape. Therefore, a vertical line in the exact
center of the target would be described as running from
12 o'clock (top) to 6 o'clock (bottom).
SIGHT PICTURE. You obtain the correct sight
picture by aligning the rear sight, the front sight, and the
bull' s-eye (figs. 3-39 and 3-40). Each of these three
elements affects the sight picture. As you can see from
figure 3-41, any error in sight alignment will increase as
the range increases. An error in the aiming point remains
constant as the range increases. Therefore, of the two,
sight alignment is the most important.
Figure 3-40.--6 o'clock sight picture held on "D" target at a range
At close ranges, the bull's-eye or silhouette will
of 200 yards.
appear larger in relation to the front sight, than it will at
longer ranges. This means that the sight picture will vary
Figure 3-41.--Error in sight alignment increases as range increases.