2. Clean all parts with a rag lightly saturated with
7. Aim and attempt to fire.
oil. Dry all parts and apply alight coat of oil.
3. Clean the bore and chamber as follows:
a. Wet a swab with rifle bore cleaner and run it
Care and cleaning the pistol includes daily
back and forth through the bore several times.
preventive maintenance, which is the ordinary care of
the pistol required to preserve its condition and
b. Attach the pistol bore brush to the cleaning
appearance when no firing is done. Cleaning before
rod and run it through the bore and chamber several
firing ensures that the pistol is safe to fire and is properly
lubricated for efficient operation. Cleaning after firing
c. Run dry swabs through the bore and
ensures that all corrosion-inducing agents deposited in
chamber until they are clean.
the bore and chamber of the pistol are completely
d. Inspect the bore for cleanliness. If it is not
free of all residue, repeat the cleaning process.
Daily Preventive Maintenance
e. When the bore and chamber are clean, coat
them with rifle bore cleaner and leave it on overnight.
Damp air and sweaty hands are great promoters of
f. Assemble the pistol.
rust. You should clean your pistol and protect it with the
recommended oil after every firing or handling. You
g. Apply a light coat of oil to the exterior
should inspect the pistol each day and clean it if
surfaces of the pistol.
h. After the third daily cleaning, if the bore and
To clean the pistol, rub it with a rag lightly saturated
chamber are clean, remove the rifle bore cleaner.
with oil; then rub it with a dry cloth. Clean the bore with
Replace the bore cleaner with alight coat of lubricating,
a swab saturated with oil, and then, with a dry swab.
Dust out all crevices with a small, clean brush.
To protect the pistol after cleaning it, cover all the
surfaces, including the bore and chamber, with a light
As a Seabee armed with the .45-caliber pistol, you
must be familiar with the types of ammunition for your
After cleaning and oiling the pistol, place it back in
pistol and be able to identity each type of ammunition.
your holster or the pistol rack Do not place a cover, such
as canvas, over the pistol because it collects moisture
A pistol cartridge is a complete assembly consisting
that rusts the metal.
of all the components necessary to fire the weapon once;
that is, the cartridge case, bullet, propellant powder, and
Care and Cleaning before Firing
The types, uses, and means of identification of the
Before the pistol is fired, you should clean and dry
ammunition used in the .45-caliber pistol are the
the bore and chamber and exterior parts of the receiver
of the pistol. You should lubricate the guide rails on the
1. Ball cartridge, M1911, is for use against
receiver and the grooves on the slide with oil. Place a
personnel and light material targets. The ball round
light coat of oil on all other interior metal parts EXCEPT
consists of a metal jacket surrounding a lead alloy core.
those that come in contact with the ammunition. Excess
The bullet tip is unpainted.
oil should be removed from the grips and the grip area
of the receiver to aid you in griping the weapon.
2. Blank cartridge, M9, is used to simulate fire and
for salutes. This cartridge can be fired single shot only
Care and Cleaning after Firing
in the pistol. You can identify it by the absence of a bullet
and by its tapered mouth.
You must clean the pistol as soon as possible on the
3. Dummy cartridge, M1921, is used for training
day of firing and daily for the next 3 days, or longer if
personnel in the operation of loading and unloading the
necessary. Do this in the following manner:
pistol and for testing weapons. It is used also in
1. Disassemble the pistol.