Report status
Assists the section watch officer as required.
Equipment status
NBC/CBR Officer
Call signs and requencies
The NBC/CBR officer plays a critical role in the
Convoy status
early warning of a nuclear, biological, or chemical
Casualties wounded/KIA
attack. The NBC/CBR officer should hold the proper
Food/water/ammo status
Naval Enlisted Classification Code (NEC) to fill this
position proficiently. The NBC/CBR officer's duties
The INTEL map should show the following:
include the following:
Enemy troop disposition/strength within the AO
Responsible for organizing, training, and
Enemy equipment/weapons
supervising personnel assigned to the battalion's
decontamination teams.
Weather and astronomical data
Monitors all incoming messages related to
NBC corridors/fallouts
weather information.
The INTEL charts should show the following:
Responsible for all outgoing and incoming NBC
Current INTEL
Challenge and passwords
Establishes NBC fallout zones to provide early
Current MOPP level
warning of an NBC attack.
Advises the section watch officer on the setting
of mission-oriented protective posture levels
(MOPP levels).
On a modern battlefield, the ability of a battalion
commander to pass information between his or her
troops and superiors is critical for the success of any
mission. An uncomplicated, reliable, flexible, and
The types of charts and maps required within the
responsive communication plan will enable the
COC vary according to the mission and the battalion
battalion commander to carry out his or her
commander. All charts and maps must be visible to
operational plans effectively. A well-thought-out
all personnel in the COC. Ensuring proper placement
communication plan is paramount to command and
enables all personnel standing watch in the COC to
control. Communication is the instruments by which
monitor current situations and to respond to any
a battalion commander makes his or her orders known
incoming messages expediently. The maps and charts
and, as such, is the voice of the command.
provide detailed operations and INTEL information.
Communication permits the battalion commander to
Also posted in the COC is a clipboard for an
exercise command and control of assigned forces,
incoming/outgoing message reading file.
supporting fires, and combat service support over
larger areas. Any transmission speaks only for and
The operation map shows the area of operation
with the authority of the battalion commander who
and should include the following:
originates the transmission. A secondary purpose of
F r i e n d l y troop positions including the
battalion's fire plan
information between individuals and groups of
Current locations of command posts in the area
individuals that is necessary to the exercise of
of operation
command and control.
Since the COC is the nerve center for the battalion
and the terminating point for all tactical and
Landing zone locations
nontactical radio nets, a well-thought-out
NBC corridors/fallouts
communication plan must be established. Like
everything else, the communication plan is based upon
The operation charts should show the following:
the mission. The communication officer is usually
Personnel strength
tasked with the development of the communication
plan. He or she should include in the plan
POWs or EPWs