Figure 6-4.--One-lane wash down.
MOPP gear exchange concurrently. This should be
2. Small, speedy operations are more easily
done between 1 to 6 hours of becoming contaminated.
concealed in one location near the forward area.
This action reduces degradation and improves the
3. A water source may not be needed at the decon
a b i l i t y of the unit to conduct its mission.
site because most power-driven decon equipment
provided by the supply company with a vehicle near
(PDDE) have a water-carrying capability to support
the decon site.
squad-sized elements.
MOPP gear exchange and vehicle wash down are
best used by squad-size or platoon-size elements.
Units must develop their own Standing Operating
When larger elements try to process through an
Procedure (SOP) for obtaining temporary relief from
operational decon site, they lose many benefits of a
MOPP 4. The SOP is based on each unit's equipment
small decentralized operation. Benefits of a squad- or
platoon-sized decon operation include the following:
and mission. Although every operation is unique,
methods should be standardized when possible. In any
1. Tailored decon operations are flexible and
case, personnel must know the following:
responsive to small unit needs.