resupply plans include linking up with bulk water
trucks, caching water throughout the area of
operations, coordinating for the movement of water
The contaminated unit, by company, moves to a
bladders by aircraft, and the identification of water
predecon staging area approximately 250 to 500
sources in the area of operation of the unit. The use
meters downwind of the thorough decon site. Here,
of nonpotable, salt, and brackish waters should be
the contaminated unit conducts the required predecon
actions that are designed to prepare the unit for the
thorough decon operations. Predecon actions include
The thorough decon site consists of four main
the following:
areas: the predecon staging area, the postdecon
assembly area, the detailed troop decon (DTD), and
1. Segregate contaminated vehicles from
the detailed equipment decon (DED). Selection of all
uncontaminated vehicles, if possible.
four areas are based on operational guidance, road
Allow vehicle crews to dismount and prevent
network, available cover and concealment, and water
further transfer/spread of contamination.
Prepare vehicles for detailed equipment decon.
The predecon staging area is used by the
Move contaminated vehicles and troops to the
contaminated unit to ready them for detailed
detailed troop and equipment decon lines.
equipment decon (DED) and detailed troop decon
(DTD) operations. The process at the DED includes
removing, neutralizing, or reducing contamination on
Segregate Vehicles
interior and exterior surfaces of equipment to
n e g l i g i b l e risk. The DTD is the process of
decontaminating individual fighting equipment to
Check all vehicles for contamination, using
negligible risk and removing contaminated MOPP
detection equipment. For chemical contamination,
gear from the troops.
use the CAM and M8 detector paper. Also, visually
The postdecon assembly area is the location where
M9 paper affixed to vehicles reveals the presence of
vehicles and troops exiting the DED and DTD are linked.
This is done before moving from the decon site.
Figure 6-6.--Contamination levels.