TAP APRON--Toxicological agent protective apron.
(SOP)--A set of instructions covering those
TARGET OF OPPORTUNITY--A target visible to
features of operations which lend themselves to a
a surface of air sensor or observer which is within
definite or standardized procedure without loss of
range of available weapons and against which fire
effectiveness. The procedure is applicable unless
has not been scheduled or requested.
ordered otherwise.
TERRAIN ANALYSIS--The collection, analysis,
evaluation, and interpretation of geographic
allowance document which prescribes basic
information on the natural and man-made features
allowances of organizational equipment and
of the terrain, combined with other relevant
factors, to predict the effect of the terrain on
provides the control to develop, revise, or change
military operations.
equipment authorization inventory data.
VEHICLE WASH DOWN--Process of flushing
TACTICS--(1) The employment of units in combat
and (2) the ordered arrangement and maneuver of
units in relation to each other and/or to the enemy
and speed weathering.
in order to use their full potentialities.