DEAD SPACE--An area within the maximum range
maintenance, transportation, deliberate engineer,
health, postal, disbursing, prisoner of war,
of a weapon, a radar, or an observer that cannot be
automated information systems, and exchange.
covered by fire or observation from a particular
The CSSE varies in size from a MAU service
position because of intervening obstacles, the
support group (MSSG) to a force service support
nature of the ground, the characteristics of the
group (FSSG). Normally, there is only one
trajectory, or the limitations of the pointing
Combat Service Support Element in a MAGTF.
capabilities of the weapons.
DECONTAMINATION--The removal or neutra-
CENTER (CSSOC)--The agency that controls
lization of hazardous levels of chemical,
combat support elements.
personnel and material.
elements whose primary missions are to provide
DEFENSE AREA--For any particular command, the
combat support to the combat forces and which
area extending from the forward edge of the battle
are a part, or prepared to become a part, of a
area to its rear boundary. It is here that the
theater, command, or task force formed for
decisive defensive battle is fought.
combat operations.
DEFENSE IN DEPTH--The siting of mutually
COMMAND AND CONTROL--The exercise of
supporting defense positions designed to absorb
authority and direction by a properly designated
and progressively weaken attack, to prevent initial
c o m m a n d e r over assigned forces in the
observations of the whole position by the enemy,
accomplishment of the mission. Command and
and to allow the commander to maneuver his
control functions are performed through an
arrangement of personnel, equipment,
b y a commander in planning, directing,
c o o r d i n a t i n g , and controlling forces and
interior and exterior surfaces of unit equipment to
operations in the accomplishment of the mission.
negligible risk levels to allow MOPP level
COMMAND ELEMENT (CSE)--One of the four
reduction for extended periods.
elements of a Marine Air-Ground Task Force
(MAGTF). It is the MAGTF headquarters. The
Command Element is a permanent organization
decontaminating individual fighting equipment to
composed of the commander, the general or
negligible risk levels; removing contaminated
e x e c u t i v e and special staff sections, the
M O P P gear including protective masks;
headquarters section, and requisite communica-
d e c o n t a m i n a t i n g protective masks; and
tions and service support facilities. The command
monitoring personnel equipment for decon
e l e m e n t provides command, control, and
effectiveness. This is done to reduce MOPP levels
coordination essential for effective planning and
for extended periods.
execution of operations by the Aviation Combat
Element (ACE), the Ground Combat Element
(GCE), and the Combat Service Support Element
immediately available prearranged barrier of fire
(CSSE). There is only one command element in
designed to impede enemy movement across
defensive lines or areas.
FIRE PLAN--A tactical plan for using the weapons
absorption of radioactive material or biological or
of a unit or formation so that their fire will be
chemical agents on and by structures, areas,
personnel, or objects.
CONVOY ESCORT--An escort to protect a convoy
delivered by a position, a unit, or a weapon
of vehicles from being scattered, destroyed, or