Navy property requiring the completion of a
ammunition reclassification (NARs) or changes to
Financial Liability Investigation of Property
Use, TWO24-AA-ORD-010.
Loss (FLIPL) also known as a Report of Survey
(DD Form 200) or Report of Discrepancy (ROD)
NARs supplement the TWO24-AA-ORD-010.
Standard Form 364.
Each NAR contains a separate reclassification action.
A NAR may also be used to transmit technical or
Proper management of naval material is a matter of
precautionary data pending its inclusion into the
top priority for all personnel, and all personnel are
appropriate technical manual. NARs are distributed in
responsible for safeguarding all government property
message format to Address Indicating Group 181
under their jurisdiction, whether or not they have
(AIG 181). Each NAR message normally contains
signed a receipt.
more than one NAR.
Since NARs are numbered sequentially through
each calendar year, check the NAR numbers against
Material movement is an essential link in the chain
the previously received NARs whenever you receive a
of supply support. Vast quantities of material move
NAR message. If any void is noted in the sequence of
daily in support of naval operations and they represent
NAR numbers, request retransmission of the missing
a substantial en route dollar value. Many of the en route
NARs from the SPCC.
i t e m s a ff e c t , t o s o m e d eg r e e , t h e o p e r a t i o n a l
capabilities of naval activities.
hand must report it as soon as possible according to the
When, as a result of improper documentation and
TW024-AA-ORD-010, unless otherwise directed in
marking, shipments are delayed, misrouted, or lost,
the NAR message. Material, reported in response to a
man-hours are lost in tracing the delinquent shipments.
NA R , s h o u l d n o t b e r e p o r t e d a g a i n w h e n
More importantly, the lack of critically needed parts
reclassification information is incorporated in the
reduces the operational capabilities of the intended
TW024-AA-ORD-010. Individual holding activities
s h o u l d d i s p o s e o f a m m u n i t i o n r e c l a s s i fi e d a s
T h e M i l i t a r y S t a n d a r d Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d
suspended or unserviceable according to the
M o v e m e n t P r o c e d u r e s ( M I L S TA M P ) S y s t e m
TW024-AA-ORD-010 or by a NAR through normal
provides a means for better control of transportation
supply channels.
performance to users. It also provides more efficient
usage of available Defense Transportation System
(DTS) capabilities. In addition, it permits greater
efficiency in shipment planning. Documents used are
Certain categories of material are so sensitive that
uniform, and the system is compatible with
they must be made immediately visible to investigating
MILSTRIP. A standard transportation priority system
agencies at the time of loss or recovery. In light of this,
is based on UMMIPS.
the Navy has instituted reporting procedures to help
MILSTAMP is mandatory for all military services
recognize physical security needs and to reduce
a n d o t h e r a g e n c i e s u s i n g t h e D T S . H ow eve r,
property losses. Report of Missing, Lost, Stolen, or
MILSTAMP does not apply to the following factors:
R e c o v e re d ( M - L - S - R ) G o v e r n m e n t P ro p e r t y,
Internal shipments within military installation or
S E C N AV I N S T 5 5 0 0 . 4 , a n d C O M O M A G /
MOMAUINST 4000.1 give complete instructions on
local-area shipments in support of satellite
reporting M-L-S-R material. Material in the following
categories must be reported:
Shipments completed within the mail system.
All serialized or unserialized firearms, weapons,
Shipments moving on commercial bills of lading
from, to, or between contractor plants.
devices, regardless of value.
Movement of passengers.
Serialized items (valued over $ 100) and pre-
Complete information concerning MILSTAMP is
cious metals.
contained in Military Standard Transportation and
Sensitive or classified material.
Movement Procedures, DOD Regulation 4500-32-R.