Previously mandatory, but now optional, the
o r r o d s d r ive n i n t o t h e e a r t h , bu t i t m u s t b e
interconnected to the secondary ground system.
magazine designator system consists of a three-group
symbol made up of numbers and letters. This system is
Ordnance Ground System
better described in appendix C of NAVSEA OP 5,
volume 1. Stations may elect to continue using the
The ordnance ground system is used to ensure that
optional facilities identification system if they so
electric current does not flow between ordnance
components when they come in contact or are mated.
The ordnance ground system must be electrically
separated from other ground systems and must be
connected to the secondary ground girdle at a single
When personnel are working with explosives or
point. The use of an ordnance buss connected to a
other hazardous materials, consideration must be given
single point is acceptable when several weapons are
to electrical safeguards. Primary, secondary, and static
connected to the ground. Ordnance ground busses,
grounding systems are used to protect equipment and
static ground busses, and electrical ground busses must
be clearly marked to keep personnel from
This subsection discusses the grounding requirements
misidentifying them.
for a MOMAG activity.
Ground System Inspections
Power Ground System
Ordnance ground systems must be visually
The power ground system is used to keep
inspected at least every 6 months to ensure that
hazardous electrical potentials from developing
connections are secure and free from paint, corrosion,
between equipments. The power ground prevents
or foreign materials that may impair the efficiency of
electrical shock to personnel and arcing between
the system.
separate items, and it protects equipment from over
Ground System Test
Instrumentation Ground System
The ordnance ground system must be tested for
and at least every 24 months thereafter. The results of
provide error-free operation of sensitive electronic
these tests must be maintained on file for at least five
equipment. It minimizes spurious signals from
inspection cycles. It is recommended that test records
entering the equipment from electrical distribution
be maintained for longer periods to provide a better
database for trend analysis.
that might be in the area. This system is normally
connected to the secondary ground girdle.
Lightning Ground System
The lightning ground system is used to keep the
is essential in maintaining them in a ready-for-issue
entire activity at the same potential to prevent arcing
(RFI) condition. Magazines and inert facilities must be
between metal objects and to provide a low resistance
inspected and maintained to ensure that they are safe
and clean and that they afford the protection necessary
to the assets kept by your activity. This section
Static Ground System
discusses the storage regulations for ordnance and
inert material.
The static ground system eliminates electric
discharges due to static buildup. It conducts the
Magazine Regulations
charges to the ground as fast as they are generated.
Segments of static ground systems are conductive
floors, ground grab bars, and conductive table tops. A
static ground system may be connected to water pipes
designated, and isolated for the particular material.