Figure 2-2.--Chemical hazard symbols.
A posted symbol must be situated so it is visible
during daylight from a distance of at least 500 feet. If
visibility is obstructed by vegetation curves in the road,
times when the use of water can intensify the fire, the
and so forth, the symbol must be placed on the roadway
hazard of explosion, and/or the spreading of the fire.
at a distance of at least 500 feet.
The "apply no water" symbol, as shown in figure 2-3, is
intended to inform fire-fighting personnel of the
One symbol posted on or near the door end of an
danger involved in containing the fire.
igloo magazine or on the head wall of a box-type
magazine is normally adequate. One or more symbols
Posting Symbols
may be required on other buildings.
The symbol(s) that represent the most hazardous
Where all material within a storage area is covered
material present must be posted outside hazardous
by one fire symbol, the symbol may be posted at the
materials storage sites and operating buildings unless
entry control point or the access roadway. Where
security considerations make it undesirable to identify
different classes or divisions of explosives are stored in
the materials present at the location. In those cases, the
individual multi-cubicle bays or module cells, they
posting of fire-fighting symbols on chemical sites will
may further be identified by posting the proper symbol
be at the discretion of the commanding officer.
on each bay or cell.
Placement of symbols must be coordinated with
the fire department. Backing material for symbols
should be the shape of the symbol decal and should be
Magazine Designator
All buildings and magazines of all types, including
or chemical or inert components normally associated
with them, must be marked to provide rapid and
positive identification of the facility.
The minimum identification consists of the
building number; it must be at least 6 inches high. This
number must be displayed on the facility or at the
Figure 2-3.--Fire direction symbol.
entrance of an open site.