controlled. This can be accomplished by chemical
FIRE SYMBOLS.--The fire symbols, as shown
in figure 2-1, represent the four class-1 explosives
weed killers or by cutting, plowing, or burning as
divisions. The hazard decreases as the fire division
necessary or appropriate under the circumstances.
symbol number increases. These symbols also
Grass and/or brush within 50 feet or explosives
designate those items that are hazardous to
operating buildings, magazines, or open storage sites
fire-fighting personnel and the burning or explosive
must be kept to the height not to exceed 18 inches.
characteristics of the stored material. Each of the four
Gasoline-powered grass cutters may be used on
symbols has a distinctive shape, is colored orange, and
top of earth-covered magazines, but they should be
has the class division number shown in the middle of
kept at least 5 feet from ventilators and a safe distance
the shape in black. The hazard and fire-fighting
precautions for each symbol are summarized in table
from the door. The remaining 5 feet around the
4-1 of NAVSEA OP 5, volume 1.
ventilator should be cut by hand-powered equipment.
Fire and Chemical Hazard Symbols
Chemical hazard symbols are used to identify
operating buildings and storage facilities that contain
Fires that occur in explosives operating buildings
and magazines pose various hazards to fire-fighting
other hazardous materials. They may be used by
personnel. Some explosives detonate when exposed to
themselves or in conjunction with fire symbols, as
heat or flames. Others may burn freely, produce
appropriate. These symbols, as shown in figure 2-2,
poisonous fumes, or ignite when water is applied. To
are used specifically for fire-fighting situations and are
prevent a situation from becoming more hazardous
not necessarily applicable to normal operating
than it might already be, understanding the fire and
conditions. The hazard each symbol represents and the
chemical hazard symbols associated with explosives or
fire-fighting precautions are summarized in table 4-2
other hazardous materials is necessary.
of NAVSEA OP 5, volume 1.
Figure 2-1.--Fire division symbols.