Three-inch minimum-height letters must be
Housekeeping Regulations
used on signs for operating building areas
Good housekeeping (cleanliness and orderliness)
including, but not limited to, inert preparation
is necessary for maintaining effective accident and fire
rooms, assembly rooms, and paint spray rooms.
prevention programs. All buildings and adjacent areas
must be kept clean and orderly at all times. This is
One-inch minimum-height letters must be used
especially important in areas involving ammunition,
on signs in service magazines, fuzing or
explosives, and other hazardous materials because a
potential danger is already present. As the supervisor,
defuzing cells, or rooms of similar size used for
you will be responsible for ensuring that good
similar functions.
housekeeping procedures are maintained constantly.
Personnel limits do not need to be posted in storage
SMOKING.--Smoking is prohibited in any
magazines, magazine areas, transfer points, and pier
magazine, railcar, vehicle, or other conveyance that
and wharf areas.
contains explosives, ammunition, or other hazardous
material. Smoking is also prohibited where operations
Explosive Limit Regulations
involving such material are in process. Smoking in
vehicles that are passing through these areas of
The maximum amount of ammunition or
operations is not authorized. Designated smoking
explosives permitted in a specific area is known as the
areas will be established by the commanding officer.
explosive limit. Explosive limits may be expressed as
the net weight of the explosives, the number of items,
or the number of containers. The explosive limit of a
buildings that contain ammunition or explosives must
building includes explosive items in vehicles or stored
be kept clear. Safety exits, such as doors and their
in the adjacent area outside the structure.
outside passageways, ramps, and stairways, must not
be blocked. All doors and locks must be kept in good
As the supervisor, you will be responsible for
working order. Doors must be fastened only with
knowing and enforcing the explosive limits in your
antipanic catches or approved quick-acting devices
working area. If the permissible limit is exceeded, all
during operating hours, when work is scheduled or
operations must cease immediately. Only after the
under way.
excess explosive quantity is removed, the operations
may continue.
SAFETY EQUIPMENT.--Access to safety
equipment must not be blocked. Such safety
The determination of explosive limits depends on
equipment consists of fire alarm stations, fire hydrants,
several factors. For magazines, the determining factors
fire extinguishers or hoses, protective-clothing
are the type of magazine, the hazards involved, and the
lockers, safety showers, building and equipment
quantity-distance relationship. For an operating
electrical switches, thermometers, local fire bills,
building, the maximum explosive limit is determined
first-aid kit locations, and similar safety equipment.
by the operational directives that are subject to the
applicable quantity-distance requirements in chapter 7
MENT.--When not in use, tools must not be left on
floors, decks, platforms, scaffolds, stairs, ladders,
Explosive limit placards must have lettering large
ledges, rafters, or moving parts of machines or
enough to be read by persons with average vision as
equipment, After use, tools must be collected and
they enter the building.
returned to the locations designated for their storage.
Three-inch minimum-height letters must be used
Handling equipment must be neatly arranged and
for signs in operating building areas including, but not
restored when not in use.
limited to, inert preparation rooms, assembly rooms,
CLOTHING LOCKERS.--Clothing, not worn
finishing rooms, paint spray rooms, and rooms or
during working hours, must be kept only in approved
confined areas of similar size used for similar
clothing lockers in designated locations.
FLOORS.--Floors must be kept clean and free of
One-inch minimum-height letters must be used for
stains such as those caused by exudation of explosives.
signs in service magazines, fuzing and defuzing cells,
They must be kept free of oil, grease, and other
pyrotechnic mixing and pressing cells, and rooms of
materials that tend to make them slippery. Floors must
similar size used for similar functions.