bristle brushes do not require special treatment before
8. NEVER leave a pressurized airless spray unit
Every paint locker should have a container with
9. ALWAYS secure connections to prevent leaks.
divided compartments for stowing brushes that are
10. ALWAYS use personal protective equipment
used for short periods with different materials, such as
when using the spray gun. (Wear a supplied-air
paint, varnish, and shellac. The containers should have
or organic vapor cartridge respirator with
tight covers and a means of hanging the brushes so the
prefilters, goggles, chemical protective gloves,
entire length of the bristles and the lower part of the
coveralls, and hearing protection.)
ferrule are covered by the paint thinner or linseed oil in
the container. The bristles must not touch the bottom of
11. ALWAYS use the trigger lock when not actually
the container or they could become damaged. A
spray painting (i.e., before wiping the tip).
paintbrush with distorted bristles is a very inefficient
(Remove the tip guard only if spraying with it in
place is impossible.)
When brushes are to be used the following day,
12. ALWAYS remove the gun from the hose after
they should be cleaned with the proper paint thinner
flushing and when stowing it.
and hung in an empty compartment in the container.
Brushes that are not to be used soon should be cleaned
13. ALWAYS keep the trigger safety engaged when
in thinner, washed in soap (or detergent) and water,
the gun is not in use.
rinsed thoroughly in freshwater, and hung to dry. After
14. ALWAYS obtain immediate medical attention
drying they should be wrapped in paper and stowed
for injuries. (Report the nature of the injury and
flat. Brushes should not be left soaking in water; the
the type of fluid or solvent used.)
water will cause the bristles to separate into bunches or
become flared or bushy.
GUNS.--As a general rule, Navy paints, enamels,
Remember: After using a brush, NEVER leave it in
lacquers, synthetics, varnishes, and shellacs may be
an open can of paint or exposed to the air. Clean the
used in ordinary spray guns. Material containing small
brush immediately after it is used, then stow it
gritty particles, such as alkaline coverings, rubber hose
paints, plastics, and mastic paints, must NEVER be
The proper cleaners for brushes used with different
used in standard spray guns.
materials are listed in table 1-4.
Paint Rollers
Paintbrushes are only as good as the care given
Paint rollers are designed to apply a uniform coat
them. The best paintbrush can be ruined very quickly if
of paint over a large area quickly with less effort than
not properly cared for. By following the suggestions
with a brush. Paint rollers used in the Navy consist of
given in the next few paragraphs, you will find that
replaceable, knotted fabric rollers with
your paintbrushes will last much longer and will give
solvent-resistant paper cores. The roller is supported
you better service.
on corrosion-resistant steel that rotates on a metal
When paintbrush bristles were set in wood,
painters would dampen the wood to cause it to swell
After use, the fabric cylinder should be stripped
and hold the bristles more tightly. However, nearly all
from the core, cleaned in the solvent recommended for
modern paintbrushes have bristles set in rubber or in a
the paint used, washed in soap and water, rinsed
thoroughly, and replaced on the core to dry. Combing
handle that holds the bristles serves no useful purpose;
the pile of the fabric while it is damp prevents matting.
in fact, it only damages the brush since it tends to rust
the metal band (ferrule).
To make a new natural bristle brush more flexible
Paint consists of four essential ingredients:
and easier to clean, rinse it in paint thinner and soak it
pigment, vehicle, drier, and thinner. The pigment is
in boiled linseed oil for about 48 hours. Before using
grounded into the vehicle and the drier and the thinner
the brush, drain the oil from it, wipe its bristles clean,
are added. This section describes these four elements.
and wash it in a solvent or other oil remover. (Synthetic