add a small amount of the remaining liquid at a time
the finished painted surface. The procedure is a little
until all the vehicle has been added and the consistency
different for each situation.
of the paint is uniform. To ensure that the paint is
thoroughly mixed, pour the paint back and forth a
following procedures to stripe painted surfaces:
number of times between two cans. This process is
1. Decide the size and the position of the stripe.
known as boxing and ensures a smooth and even
2. Apply masking tape firmly to each side of the
area where the stripe is to be.
3. Paint the areas not covered by the masking tape.
Smooth and even painting depends as much on the
4. Protect the painted surface against daubs and
method of application as it does on the quality of the
oversprays by using protective covering in
paint. Different painting equipment (such as spray
addition to the masking tape.
guns, brushes, or rollers) is used for different purposes.
Ensure that you use the right equipment and that it is
these procedures to stripe unpainted surfaces:
kept in good condition,
1. Paint the stripe wider than the actual stripe is to
When you are painting, keep the following items in
The thickness of the coats can determine if
2. After the paint is dry, apply masking tape to the
area where the stripe is to be. To ensure that the
the job is completed satisfactorily. Thick
tape is smooth and firmly attached, rub or roll it.
coats of paint tend to crack and peel. They
are likely to be uneven and they tend to
3. Paint the entire surface, including the masking
s h ow m a r k s a n d s c r a t c h e s m o r e r e a d i l y
tape, with the finish coat.
than thin coats. They do not dry as hard a
4. After the paint is dry, remove the tape.
finish as thin coats. For a complete list of
the paint systems applicable to mines, refer
to NAVSEA SW550-AA-MMI-010.
Painting should not be done when the
For a safe painting operation, responsibility and
training are the two most important factors. The
temperature is below 32F. In cold weather,
importance of these factors must be clearly understood
moisture condenses on the surfaces and the paint
by all personnel associated with the painting operation.
does not stick. Also, the thinner evaporates very
slowly and increases the drying time. For best
Personnel, concerned with the painting operation,
results, painting should be done in warm weather
must also be made aware of the hazards associated with
with the temperature between 60F and 80F.
the handling and use of flammable materials and with
applicable safety precautions. This information must
Humidity and ventilation are also important
be a part of each person's job training.
conditions. Excess humidity may cause
Every painting operation exposes the personnel in
making painting difficult. But humidity can be
the immediate area to some conditions and situations
reduced by proper ventilation. Proper ventilation
that are actually or potentially dangerous. The use of
is necessary to furnish the oxygen necessary to
toxic and flammable materials and pressurized
dry the paint properly.
equipment presents potential hazards. Hazards may
also be inherent in the working conditions or may be
caused by inexperience of the operator, lack of
training, or just pure carelessness.
You may be required to apply stripes to a painted
Therefore, awareness of all potential hazards is
surface or to an unpainted surface. Striping is relatively
essential. To minimize existing hazards and to improve
easy if you use masking tape. But after painting, be
the efficiency of the painting crew, ensure that your
careful when removing the masking tape. Pull the tape
personnel are so well-trained that they automatically
off in a diagonal direction and back upon itself. If you
take precautionary measures.
fail to remove the tape in this manner, you may damage