Covers the following topics: Technical Administration; Field Astronomy and Triangulation; Soils: Surveying & Exploration/Classification/Field Identification; Mix Design: Concrete & Asphalt; and Soil Stabilization.
Covers the following topics: Construction Methods and Materials: Heavy Construction; Construction Methods and Materials: Electrical and Mechanical Systems; Horizontal Construction; Project Drawings; Specifications/Material Estimating/Advanced Base Planning; Care and Adjustment of Surveying Equipment; Indirect Level/Level and Traverse Computations; Topographic Surveying and Mapping; Plane-Table Topography and Map Projection; Engineering and Land Surveys; Horizontal and Vertical Curves; Electronic Surveying Equipment, and Material Testing.
Covers the following topics: mathematics and the units of mathematics; drafting equipment; drafting fundamentals and techniques; geometric construction; drafting projections and sketches; wood and light-frame construction; concrete and masonry; mechanical systems and plans; electrical systems and plans; construction drawings; elements of surveying and surveying equipment; direct linear measurements; field survey safety; horizontal control; direct leveling and basic engineering surveys; material testing for soil and concrete; and administration.
Covers the following topics: organization, records, training, operations, material, environmental policies and procedures, maintenance administration, quality assurance, ship availabilities, repair activities, ship trials, and occupational health programs.
Seabee Combat Handbook, Volume 1
Seabee Combat Handbook, Volume 2