Figure 12-26.-Light wave reflector units, stacked.traffic is proceeding as usual, there is theever-present idanger of being hit by a vehicle.In the midst of such a variety of constantdangers, the only way to prevent injury is by theexercise of continual care and vigilance. Everyperson in a party must be aware of all existinghazards, be able to recognize a hazardoussituation, and be trained to take the correctpreventive measures.Indeed, it is common practice for surveyingfield crews to prepare a CHECKLIST of essentialitems, personal protective equipment, communi-cation gear, and other miscellaneous items relativeto their line of work.ADMINISTERING FIRST AIDIf personal injuries do occur, it is essential thatthe injuries be taken care of to the extent possibleby the application of first aid. The Standard FirstAid Training Course, NAVEDTRA 10081 (latestrevision), defines first aid as “the emergency caregiven sick or injured persons until regular medicalor surgical aid can be obtained.” Your principalsource of information on first aid is the StandardFirst Aid Training Course.Every person in a field party should be ableto administer first aid, regardless of how juniorin rate and experience each person may be. Achaining party may consist of only two persons,one of whom may be very junior in rate and timein service. Since the party chief may be the oneinjured, the junior member of the party wouldbe responsible for administering first aid.Figure 12-27.-Typical configuration of a light12-27wave distance-measuring device.
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