length of tape of the same thickness and widthas that of the broken tape. When a tape isrepaired, it is best to use a good section of thetape for calibration (matching a whole-footmark). Place the section used for calibratingbeside the broken section to make sure that youwill maintain the original length of the tape afterrejoining it.In splicing a broken tape, first align and rivetplace the repair stock on the face of the othersection of the tape by using the calibrating sectionas a measure for the break splice. Insert one rivetat a time and arrange rivets in a triangular pattern.Do not place rivets closer together than one-fourthin. from center to center. Now use a three-edgefile. File partially through the surplus stockdiagonally across the tape. The segment of thesurplus will readily break off, leaving a cleanthe repair stock at one end of the break. Next,splice.Figure 12-23.—A microwave distance-measuring device (Model 99).12-24
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