3-65.What advantage does the adjustablescriber have over the standardfixed scriber?1.Templates with larger letteringmay be used2.Larger pens may be inserted inthe scriber to produce thickerlines3.Templates with special types oflettering may be used4.Inclined lettering may beproduced with standardtemplates3-66.Concerning the adjustment of thescriber, which of the followingstatements is a correct procedure?1.Rough adjustment of the scriberadjustment screw should be madeafter the pen has been filled2.The cleaning pen must beremoved for proper roughadjustment3.Rough adjustment should be madewhen the cleaning pen barelytouches the paper, before thepen is filled4.Final adjustment should be madeafter the locknut has beentightened3-67.Which, if any, of the followingrequirements is necessary forreproduction rooms?1.Lighting level equal to that ofthe drafting room2.Sufficient room ventilation3.Additional heat for protectionof the reproduction paper4.None of the above3-68.In the reproduction of constructiondrawings, what process is mostcommonly used by the Navy?1.Vacuum frames2.Diazo or ammonia vapor3.Sun frames4.Photographic contact3-69.Before using the Blu-Rayreproduction machine, all EAsshould take which of the followingactions?1.Attend the formal school foroperators2.Obtain on-the-job training atone of the constructionregiments3.Acquire the necessary operatorlicense4.Become thoroughly familiar withthe manufacturer’s operatingand maintenance instructions3-70.When making prints using the Model842 printer, which of the followingactions should you take?1.Place the chemical side of thereproducing paper down2.Run the original tracingthrough the machine before thereproducing paper3.Feed the sensitized paper intothe printer against the grain4.Ensure that the leading edge ofboth the tracing and thesensitized paper are even,uncurled,and uncreased3-71.What substance, solution, orcleaning method should you use toclean the glass-printing cylinderand lamps of the White printer?1.Plain soap and water2.Scouring powder and glasscleaner3.Manufacturer’s recommendedglass cleaner or anammonia-water solution4.Soap, water, and scouring pad3-72.When the prints received from theBlu-Ray machine are too light, whataction should you take?1.Increase the speed2.Decrease the speed3.Increase the vapor4.Decrease the vapor3-73.What unit(s) of the printingsection of the Ozalid machinecarry(ies) the material around therevolving printing cylinder?1.Pick-off assembly2.Feed belts3.Separator belts4.Roller guide3-74.Some Ozalid machines are equippedwith a second ammonia supplysystem.What is the name of thatsystem?1.Second ammonia system2.Second supply system3.Anhydrous ammonia system4.Hydrous ammonia system3-75.What is the only positive method,if any, that you should use toobtain the correct speed for theOzalid machine?1.Consult the manufacturer’smanual2.Check the label on the wrapperof the sensitized paper3.Run one or more test strips4.There is no positive method21
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