3-44.A line that looks like a phantomline but is used differently.1. A2. B3. C3-45.In a pencil drawing, when shouldyou draw the nonhorizontal andnonvertical lines?1.After drawing the extension anddimension lines2.After drawing the horizontaland vertical lines3.Before drawing the horizontaland vertical lines4.Before drawing any circles orarcs3-46.On a drawing, which of thefollowing lines are the last to beinked?1.Horizontal lines2.Vertical lines3.Irregular curves4.Border lines3-47.As you practice freehand lettering,you develop “writer’s cramp.”Whatis the probable cause?1.Applying excessive downwardpressure on the pencil2.Applying too little downwardpressure on the pencil3.Resting only the ball of thehand on the drawing board4.Gripping the pencil too tightly3-48.Which of the following pencilgrades is most commonly used forfreehand lettering on constructiondrawings?1.2B or 3B2.B or H3.F or H4.H or 2H3-49.What guidelines are used forlettering that requires onlycapitals?1.Capline and baseline only2.Capline and dropline only3.Capline,waistline, andbaseline4.Capline, baseline, and dropline3-50.If vertical guidelines are used tokeep letters vertical, how shouldthey be spaced along the horizontalguidelines?1.Approximately every fifthletter2.Approximately every two words3.At the beginning, at themiddle, and at the end of eachline of lettering4.At random3-51.The number 6 on the inner circle ofthe Ames lettering instrument isaligned with the index on the outercircle.What is the distancebetween the capline and baselineproduced by this setting?1.3/32 in2.3/16 in3.1/4 in4.3/8 in3-52.For lowercase lettering, what isthe normal spacing betweencontinuous lines of lettering?1.One half of the distancebetween the capline anddropline2.Two thirds of the distancebetween the capline andbaseline3.Three times the distancebetween the capline andwaistline4.Equal to the distance betweenthe capline and the baseline3-53.Which of the following statementsconcerning the formation ofsingle-stroke Gothic letters is NOTtrue?1.Each letter is drawn by onesingle continuous stroke2.All inclined strokes are drawnfrom the top down3.All horizontal strokes aredrawn from left to right4.All curved strokes are drawnfrom above downward19
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