3-54.To balance letters in words, whichof the following actions should youtake?1.Extend the horizontal stroke ofT when it precedes A2.Compress the O to a narrowerelliptical shape when it isbetween letters that havevertical strokes3.Slightly compress the letter H4.Place the central horizontalbar of H, F, and E slightlybelow center to create anoptical illusion of widening3-55.If the Ames lettering instrument isset on 8 to make capital letterguidelines for drawing notes, whatnumber should be set on theinstrument to produce guidelinesfor numerals that will be used inthe same drawing notes?1. 52. 63. 74. 83-56.Lowercase letters should NOT beused in which of the followingsituations?1.For notes on maps2.In combination with capitals onNavy drawings3.On Navy drawings where therequired size of lettering ismore than one-fourth in high4.On construction drawings andtitle blocks3-57.A block of general notes on adrawing consists of several linesof lettering.Which of thefollowing factors contributes themost to the appearance of thenotes?1.Spacing between letters andwords2.Formation of each letter3.Size of the lettering4.Spacing between the lines3-58.In freehand Gothic lettering, theletters A and V in “HAVE” and theletters H and O in “HOLE” areproperly spaced by moving theletters closer together.3-59.For proper spacing of the lettersin the word “NICKEL,” you shouldprovide less space between theletters N and I than the letters Iand C.1.True2.False3-60.When freehand lettering the word“WORK,” you should provide the sameamount of space between the lettersW, O,and R.1.True2.False3-61.For good appearance, the spacingbetween words should be equal towhat size interval?1.1½ times the space occupied bythe letter N2.1½ times the height of thecapitals3.The distance between thecapline and the dropline4.The space occupied by theletter O3-62.AS applied to lettering, what doesthe term “justifying” mean?1.Adjusting words or letterspacing to make a line oflettering fit a given length2. Spacing of letters for goodappearance of words3.Centering a line or lines oflettering about the center of agiven area4.Using sample lettering as aguide for centering3-63.Using the templates in a standardLeroy lettering set, you can makeletters of what maximum height?1.1½ in2.1¼ in3. 1 in4.½ in3-64.What part of the Leroy letteringset establishes line thickness ofletters?1.Ink reservoir2.Tracing pin3.Cleaning pin4. Templates1.True2.False20
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