3-31.3-32.3-33.3-34.3-35.3-36.3-37.What feature do all the lines inthe system of line conventions havein common?1.They convey information2.They are drawn with a penguided by a straightedge3.They are drawn with a compass4.They are drawn freehandHow should construction lines bedrawn?1.Thick and dark2. Dark enough to see, but lightenough to erase easily3.Thin and dark4.With a soft pencilTo indicate the travel of a movingcenter, which of the followinglines should you use?1.Center lines2.Phantom lines3.Reference lines4.Visible linesWhat line is an example of a centerline? line is a solid, thick lineand defines the outlines of anobject in a drawing?1. Datum2. Dimension3.Extension4.VisibleIn a drawing of a certain view ofan object, the features of theobject that CANNOT be seen areindicated by what line? arrowheads be drawn?Between 1/4 and 1/2 in long,the length twice the spread,and filled inBetween 1/4 and 1/2 in long,the length twice the spread,and not filled in3.Between 1/8 and 1/4 in long,the length three times thespread, and filled in4.Between 1/8 and 1/4 in long,the length three times thespread, and not filled in3-38.3-39.3-40.Drawing space is saved in certainlarge-scale detailed drawings byomitting unimportant parts that arecontinuous and have the same sizeand shape.What lines are used toindicate these omitted parts?1.Section2.Leader3.Break4.Cutting planeThe alternate positions of a switchhandle can be indicated on adrawing by the use of what lines? an internal section of an objectis needed, which of the followinglines would indicate the plane fromwhich the sectional view was taken?1.Cutting plane2. Sectional plane3.Datum plane4.Reference planeIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 3-41 THROUGH 3-44,SELECT THE TYPE OF LINE FROM THE FOLLOWINGLIST THAT BEST MATCHES THE DESCRIPTION.3-41.3-42.3-43.A line which indicates the planefrom which an elevation ismeasured.1. A2. B3. CA line that connects correspondingpoints on different sheets of thesame drawing.1. A2. B3. CThe type of line that indicatessewing lines on an article.1. A2. B3. C18
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