10-35.To detect accidental movement whenmeasuring a number of horizontalangles from one setup, you shouldtake which of the following steps?1.Relevel the instrument andcheck the readingsoccasionally2.Adjust the instrument beforeand after each reading3.Train the instrument at someclearly defined object toserve as a reference mark forchecking the sizes of theangles4.Take the mean of the observedangles10-36.The closing-the-horizon method ofchecking the accuracy of angularmeasurements is based on thegeometrical fact that the sum ofthe1.angles in a triangle are 180°2.angles around a point are 360°3.acute angles in a righttriangle are 90°4.interior angles of a closedfive-course traverse are 540°10-37.A vertical angle was recorded at+36°.This angle is a measurementof what type?10-38.1.Inclination2.Declination3.Depression4.ElevationYou are measuring a 30° angle witha 1-minute transit.To improvethe precision of this measurement,you turn the angle a total of fourtimes.If the plate reading afterthe fourth measurement is 119°59°,what is the size of the angleturned?1.29°45’45”2.29°59’45”3.30°00’15”4.30°45’15”10-39.You have measured an angle usingthe repetition procedure.If theoriginal measurement was 37°22’and your sixth and last repeat was224°12’42”, what is the meanangle?10-40.Which of the following proceduresis a method for extending astraight line?1.Repeating angles2.Averaging sets of backsightpoints3.Double centering4.Jiggling in10-41.What step in the double-centeringprocedure is taken just before theinstrument is rotated through 180°in the horizontal plane?1.Plunging the telescope2.Taking the first foresight3.Taking the backsight4.Taking the second foresight10-42.When double centering results intwo different extension points,what procedure should you use? your line through thefirst pointExtend your line through thesecond pointExtend your line through apoint midway between the twoextension pointsIgnore both points and startover again1.37°5’7”2.37°22’7”3.37°10’20”4.38°00’57”70
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