10-25.Which of the following defects ismost likely to cause a compass toread incorrectly at both ends ofits needle?1.A bent pivot2.A warped compass card3.A bent needle4.A blunt pivot point10-26.A compass needle that is weakmagnetically should bestrengthened by which of thefollowing methods?1.Placing the magnet in aninductive field2.Drawing the needle over amagnet3.Placing the magnet in ashielded box4.Heating the needle with alighted match10-27.A compass needle acts sluggishlyalthough it has retained its fullmagnetism.Which of the followingmethods should you use to make theneedle act smartly?1.Sharpen its points2.Sharpen the point on the pivot3.Reshape it with a special tool4.Demagnetize it10-28.In setting up and leveling atransit, you have followed all ofthe correct procedures.Youdiscover, however, that the plumbbob is still not quite directlyover the station point.Which ofthe following actions should youtake next?1.Loosen two adjacent levelingscrews to free the shiftingplate and shift the transithead laterally2.Replace the plumb bob3.Adjust the tripod legs4.Re-level the instrument10-29.Before taking up a transit, whichof the following actions shouldyou take concerning the telescopeand the vertical motion clamp?1.Bring the telescopeperpendicular to the verticalaxis and firmly tighten theclamp2.Point the telescope verticallyupward and firmly tighten theclamp3.Point the telescope verticallyupward and loosen the clamp4.Point the telescope verticallyupward and lightly tighten theclamp10-30.In which of the following ways arethe horizontal limbs of transitsnumbered?1.0°-360° clockwise2.0°-360° clockwise, also 0°-90°by quadrants3.0°-360° clockwise, also360°-0° counterclockwise4.Each of the above10-31.When you are turning a 40°horizontal angle by transit, whatpart will normally point to thenumber of degrees turned?1.Zero on the A-vernier2.Zero on the B-vernier3.0°-360° graduation on thehorizontal limb4.40°-320° graduation on thehorizontal limb10-32.Releasing the upper motion of atransit enables you to take whichof the following actions?1.Hold the telescope in place2.Rotate and train the telescope3.Hold the horizontal limb inplace4.Rotate and align thehorizontal limb10-33.Which of the following stepsshould you normally take whenturning a 20° horizontal anglefrom a reference line with atransit?1.Clamp the lower motion to holdthe telescope in place aftertraining it on the referenceline2.Release the lower motion torotate the telescope 20°3.Align the 0° -360° graduationon the horizontal limb withthe zero on the A-vernier4.Align the 0° -360° graduationon the horizontal limb withthe zero on the B-vernier10-34.To fix the exact position of thehorizontal limb with respect tothe A-vernier, what transit screw,if any, should you use?1.Telescope clamp screw2.Upper motion tangent screw3.Lower motion tangent screw4.None69
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