Figure 6-64.-Grid system components.
Insulation and Vapor Barriers
Heat inflow or outflow has important
effects upon the occupants of a building.
The use of insulation improves comfort con-
ditions and savings in fuel. The materials
commonly used for insulation may be classified
as blanket, batt, loose-fill, reflective, and
rigid. These materials are manufactured in
a variety of forms and types, and their
insulating values vary with the type of con-
struction, kinds of construction materials used,
and thickness of insulation. Figure 6-66 shows
different types of insulation commonly used in
Vapor barriers should be used to keep
moisture from seeping through walls, floors, and
ceiling materials. Among the effective vapor-
barrier materials are asphalt laminated papers,
aluminum foil, and plastic film. Most blanket and
batt insulations (fig. 6-66) have paper-backed
aluminum foil on one side to serve as a vapor
Figure 6-65.-Ceiling tile assembly: A. Nailing strip
location; B. Stapling.
Figure 6-66.-Types of insulation: A. Blanket; B. Batt;
C. Fill; D. Reflective (one type); E. Rigid.