Figure 6-52.-Vertical board siding.may be used in either manner if adequate nailingareas are provided. Figure 6-52 shows a methodof vertical siding application.Masonry veneers are used effectively withwood sidings in various exterior finishes toenhance the aesthetic appearance of the structure.Other non-wood materials, such as stucco or acement plaster finish, are favored for an exteriorcover because they require a minimum of mainte-nance. Plastic films on wood sidings or plywoodare also used because little or no refinishing isnecessary for the life of the building.FlashingFLASHING is specially constructed pieces ofcorrosion-resistant metal or other materials usedto protect buildings from water seepage. Flashingshould be installed to prevent penetration of waterand other moisture in the form of rain or meltedsnow at the junction of material changes,chimneys, and roof-wall intersection. Flashingshould also be used over exposed doors, windows,and roof ridges. Figures 6-53 through 6-57 showareas or locations in which some type of flashingis required.Flashing materials used on roofs may beasphalt-saturated felt, metal, or plastic. Feltflashing is generally used at ridges, hips, andvalleys. However, metal flashing made ofaluminum, galvanized steel, or copper, is con-sidered superior to felt.Figure 6-53.-Use of flashing at material changes: A. Stucco above, siding below; B. Vertical siding above, horizontal below,6-32
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