374,199.48 + 676.15, or 674,875.63 feet. The xcoordinate of station A is equal to the x coordinate ofs t a t i o n D plus the departure of D A , o r563,383.60 + 181.17, or 563,564.77 feet. Thecoordinates of the other stations can be similarlydetermined.Q1.Q2.Q3.Q4.Q5.Q6.Q7.Q8.QUESTIONSInto how many time zones has the earth beendivided?What is the Greenwich mean time at longitude35°27´20´´E if the local zone time is 0900?Define the declination of a celestial body.In a time diagram, where is the observerassumed to be located?The sun is observed in the direction of theequator from the zenith of the observer'slocation. What is the observer's latitude if theobserved declination is N15°10´ and thecorrected meridian altitude is 62°07´?Refer to figure 15-31 and use table 15-5. Whatis the computed bearing of the line AB?What is the primary advantage of a chain ofpolygons over a chain of triangles?What is the primary difference between aprimary triangulation station and a secondarytriangulation station?Figure 15-32.-Quadrilateral.Q9. After the quadrilateral shown in figure 15-32 isfirst figure adjusted what is the value of angle5?15-41
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