1-43.The rigging and hoisting of steelmembers to their proper places ina steel structure is part of whatprocess?1.Fabrication2.Erection3.Construction4.Prefabrication1-44.What method of steel constructionuses masonry walls to supportstructural floor- and roof-framingmembers?1.Skeleton2.Long span3.Wall bearing1-45.Built-up girders, trusses, and barjoists are all commonly used inwhat method of steel construction?1.Skeleton2.Long span3.Wall bearing1-46.Horizontal structural membersconnecting the exterior columnsof a skeleton structure are called1.lintels2.girders3.floor beams4.spandrel beams1-47.In skeleton construction, by whatmeans can the size of a structurebe enlarged to provide additionalfloor space?1.Add additional columns only2.Add additional beams only3.Add additional columns, beans,and girders4.Add additional columns andbeams only1-46.A vehicle passes over a steel-trussbridge. In what order is theimposed loading from the trucktransmitted through the bridgemembers to the supportingabutments?1.Decking, stringers, transversebeams, trusses, end pedestals,bearing plates2.Decking, trusses, stringers,transverse beams, bearingplates, end pedestals3.Trusses, decking, transversebeams, stringers, endpedestals, bearing plates4.Trusses, transverse beams,decking, stringers, endpedestals, bearing plates1-49.Which of the following reasons isan advantage of preengineered metalstructures?1.They can be quickly erected2.The individual members orcomponents are factory-built3.They are chipped as completekits4.Each of the aboveLearning Objective: Identifycommon connectors used in steelframe structures.1-50.In the military, what connectorsare most comnonly used for steelconstruction?1.Pins and welds2.Pins and rivets3.Bolts and welds4.Rivets and bolts1-51.What type of connector is used atthe ends of bracing rods or wherefreedom of rotation is required?1.Bolt2.Pin3.Weld4.Rivet6
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