ASSIGNMENT 2Textbook Assignment: “Construction Methods and Materials: Electrical and MechanicalSystems,” chapter 2, pages 2-1 through 2-22.Learning Objective: Describeelectrical power systems andequipment.2-1.2-2.2-3.2-4.2-5.Which of the following items areNOT part of a power transmissionsystem?1.Power generating plants2.Circuits carrying large bulksof high-voltage power3.Subtransmission substations4.Primary feedersIn which of the following mannersare transmission circuits mostoften run?1.Overhead on poles or towers2.Direct-buried3.Underground in cable duct4.All of the aboveFor which of the following purposesare substations used in anelectrical power system?1.To step-up voltage only2.To step-up or step-down voltage3.TO provide protection againstfaults4.Both 2 and 3 aboveAt what location in a power systemdoes the distribution system begin?1.At the generating plant2.At the distribution substation3.At the distribution center4.At the distribution transformerWhich of the following items areNOT part of a typical powerdistribution system?1.Circuit breakers2.Service entrances3.Service drops or laterals4.All of the aboveA.Radial systemB.Loop systemc.Network systemFigure 2AIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-6 THROUGH 2-9,SELECT FROM FIGURE 2A THE TYPE OF FEEDERSYSTEM THAT BEST MATCHES THECHARACTERISTIC GIVEN AS THE QUESTION.2-6.2-7.2-8.2-9.Starts and ends at the samedistribution substation.1. A2. B3. CLeast costly but most unreliabletype of feeder system.1. A2. B3. CUses subfeeders and branch circuitsto take power to load centers.1. A2. B3. CReadily adaptable to futurerequirements.1. A2. B3. C8
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